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Your logic is confusing, because you made it sound like you support โ€œBLMโ€.

@JoeMama I donโ€™t need to support a Marxist movement, lol.

We choose policy over personality.

Iโ€™m sick of other countries firing missiles at Israel and getting away with it, because one day, Israel wonโ€™t be on defense, rather on offense if you know what I mean.

@OffensiveTaco Itโ€™s not, the Romans took it from the Israelites when it was the Israelites land first, then they named it โ€œPalestineโ€, which literally means invader, because they came from Greece, then all the sudden people say itโ€™s โ€œPalestineโ€™sโ€ land, but itโ€™s not. In the Torah, Tanach, and bible, it is proven that the Israelites were there first and itโ€™s their homeland forever.

In your dreams that Israel will be taken over by Muslims, itโ€™s Israelโ€™s land.

By the way, the West Bank is being annexed by Israel taking back our land.

No, I mean weโ€™re getting and taking the stolen land back that they once stole from Israel.

This person has a problem with people being Zionist, lol.

If you think for one moment G-D will let Israel be taken over for one moment, youโ€™re wrong.

@Dount_Commando But in the Jewish timeline, one of the events were the Judges of Israel, and Deborah had to fight an entire army with silver chariots of the enimies and at the time, that was like Migs (fighter planes) first introduced, so they defeated the entire army with the help of G-D with only 300 men against thousands.

Shalom. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผโœก๏ธ

*In the National Geographic voice* Here we have the Democrats, fierce and very defending on demanding what they want, guarding their natural territory, they fight back as the known snowflakes they always have been. They donโ€™t kill the prey by hunting it, rather torturing it to death because it canโ€™t take it anymore. Lol.

When CNN hero tries to act like they arenโ€™t part of CNN, lol.

@Devildog1775 Iโ€™m from Nev. and you canโ€™t believe how many Democrats are, itโ€™s not really surprising considering the state was last red when Bush ran.

@Stg_Qube Bruj just say one word, trump, and they rage, lol.

Just say have fun with 4 more years, that should complete the mission.

โ€œBLMโ€, stands for Bidenโ€™s laptop matters.

When Tyler Zedโ€™s videos makes your day better.

You have to also be in the US for 10-15 years?

Hey Froski. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

Voting this year mods and members?

A red tsunami is coming for the election, prepare yourself peeps.

Tango Romeo Uniform Mike Papa 2 0 2 0

I donโ€™t see Florida, Arizona, and NC going blue because they are considered toss-up states, but I see trump winning AZ, FL, and NC in the bag.

"Those 54% of voters must not have a good memory (after being told 56% of voters think their lives are better under Trump)" @DarkSkyKEC

Is that why the ocean's sea level raised up, is because the dems have been crying for 4 years now?

When PA turns red, lol. ๐Ÿ‘

BLM stands for Bidenโ€™s Laptop Matters, lol.

I honestly think Nevada will be a Toss-Up or Light Red.

If California flips red, I will be very very very surprised.

Anyone who thinks this electoral map is correct, retake school please.


@๐““. ๐“ข. Do you think? I feel like thereโ€™s too many โ€œBLMโ€ protestors in that state of Michigan.

Imagine if Biden just does what Hillary did, just calls the race off because he knows heโ€™ll lose, thatโ€™ll save us some days, lol.

Itโ€™s literally 7%, wait until the real results come in. @General Burrito

Iโ€™m a Nevadan. Letโ€™s flip to red now boys.

With Biden G-D forbit becoming president, Iโ€™ll feel less safe in the United States especially as being a Jew myself, because Biden hasnโ€™t done anything for the Middle East especially Israel and heโ€™ll just not stand with Israel just like how Obama didnโ€™t in his useless 8 year term.

I got that trump support Kippah๏ฟผ on election night for my real president to win 4 more years.

Zed live streaming for the election or nah?

Just hit 4:00 PST, what states closed?

The electoral map is starting to update...

South Carolina for Trump, nice!

@Suspected Kyle Both for Trump sounds good to me, lol.

Trump is winning in Flordia, KEEP IT UP TRUMP.

Trump is catching up in Texas.

Texas is leading for Trump, LETS GO TRUMP.

Is it even possible Cali going red? I mean I hope it does go red, but still, It's Cali.

Believe me, I want Cali and my state Nevada to go red, we just need the Senate and Trump to win and we're good.

If Cali goes red G-D willing, I will be very shocked.

@KingZapapple We still have a ways to go for states.

Almost 15 mins until new states.

Trump is leading by 200k now in Texas, Let's go.

@ReneAensland G-D willing Trump will win PA and this election, I am just tired of these liberals, can't wait to see some tears! Not jinxing.

@ReneAensland As the Jew I am, Trump cares more about Israel than Obama and Biden did and what makes my community think he'll care now, you know?

@oitsuki Lol, I hope Nevada which is my home state goes red.

@Risate Cali is still open for another hour.

We need to get rid of Sisolak (Democratic Governor of Nevada)

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