
Discord ID: 392417695162695680

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Propane is superior for cooking

My existence is a dad joke

You act like he needs to

Trump just breaths fire

Yea I call Bidens nomination elderly abuse

Another PGC survivor?


He vanished from me without a Trace not too long ago

@HeisRisen might be on my friends list but he deleted every message he ever sent to me and vanished from our shared servers

My college is all about leftist politics

We have one teacher openly talking about how sheโ€™d love our states Anti discrimination law to be abolished

Jimmy is an imposter

He acted sus therefore get him off the ship

Yes keep yelling imma go vent into electrical and see if I got any Easy pickings


Iโ€™d love to go in depth on communism from a historical standpoint (Iโ€™m a college student studying to be a history teacher, I spend a lot of time looking into those things) I am afraid Iโ€™m worn out, my dnd group wanted to do a RP heavy session

History is amazing

My dms are always open to everyone

Fair, part of why Iโ€™m studying to teach it is so that I can hopefully make people more interested in it

My dms are open idk why itโ€™s doing that

Itโ€™s set that server members can dm me

Likely is

Wouldnโ€™t matter on my end anyways I turned off filters


I mean Iโ€™d talk with other chads but I donโ€™t see any here

How do you know itโ€™s dumb if you donโ€™t listen to the lecture?

Why are you awake at 4 am

That seems like an error on your end

Iโ€™m at 1

Last night when I tried to sleep I passed out at 3, and woke up at 5 in a cold sweat

Both am

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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