
Discord ID: 335876149974401024

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Man twitter is a shitshow tonight, Can't get parler to load anything -

Haven't been on gab in a hot minute since the pro was $5

Wouldn't shock me a bit of the ISP's are throttling parler - or even a ddos attack

The entirety of the internet is starting to act a bit funky in terms of connection - Random drops (buffering) on youtube...something is going on

The secret service still has a job to do, however given the track record with the abc agencies - anythings possible

FBI couldn't solve the vegas shooter and they solved the noose shit in what, a week?

I believe they can decline it, or some have

I'm amazed at how many blunt words I used on twitter tonight and didn't get one ban

No joke I bought a website yesterday and my first post on it was "blah blah, conservative axe is coming, so I thought i'd just throw my stuff on here" and less than 24 hours later here we are seeing The President get de-platformed

Trump will be fine when he leaves office - He's either going to make it his life's mission to eradicate the deep-state or he's just gonna say fuck it he's had enough...whats he lost like almost 2 billion in net worth thus far?

They want us to forget about Biden probably forgetting about the extra stimulus money that he bribed georgia with

Parler seems to be working pretty good, although I tried to share a video off youtube and it hasn't parlayed yet ; longest i've seen it take was like 45 minutes one time, and that wasn't in the middle of an influx

Why did they ban rush, or did he just leave it

he hadn't posted much at all

Wonder what the analytics will be like later on, the surge

All the major political players on twitter are shedding followers by the minute

At least we don't have to eat outside of a wet market...yet

He didn't sound well the first few minutes of his show when he came back

Say one thing wrong and comcast could gut you like a fish ๐ŸŸ

No one has delivered anything - the only thing that lends any credibility to it is the media reaction to the capitol

That's fair - I don't think the my pillow guy is a nut job actually ; compared to some of them

I mean you guys gotta think it'll be pretty funny and honestly a natural troll to all these leftists who are probably going to flood parler to see the shit trending, Clinton body count, gitmo and other stuff - they're used to having it curated for them basically

Anyone here into the new flight simulator?

This is what you see when you axe a reddit account - no self-awareness

Trump speaking tonight? I can't get a clear answer anywhere

Anyone have word on why gab is down, or preemptive updateing

Excellent, I feel Parler and Gab will be most prominent ; our side is smarter so just a cat and mouse game, apparently imo

We could "alta; fall stret long taim on pidgin

Parler CEO just said they'll be back fully operational by tuesday

This is pretty spot on

Anyone see Lin wood's latest claim?

says apple is going to turn off the emergency broadcast system on our phones

<waits for imminent blackout>

Did Trump give a speech?

Dude i had a fucking huge black floyd looking guy try to fight me in traffic the other day

shit is getting out of control

I don't carry while I'm working, could get me fired so I tend not too - going to reevaluate that or what I'm doing soon enough

im migrating all of my content to my website, have had enough of this shit

i fully expect my youtube to be gone within the week

My content is long and drawn out in the beginning of it, i've made some rather good points, specifically on the 3rd of december i made a 43 minute video about Parler's terms of service ; at that time it was totally for nothing : Fast forward a month and a couple days and it's totally relevant

Yeah he just had a stroke or something a bit back, why are they going after him? because he's critical of the fed?

It was during one of his live streams if I recall correctly

mine's done as of the 20th, cancelled that shit

I'm only missing 1 dvd from my stargate box set, ill live without it

only other thing i watched on there was the boys

So are you saying I should stop working on my website and go pile drive cash from mcdonalds orders?

Who else went and bought an assload of dry goods the first go-around

everyone made a run on toilet paper I made a run on food, lol

I'd say it's enough of an argument that the arbiters of and in big tech are effectively staging a coup

Grabbing my unpublished shit off of youtube, I started this a while ago and never finished it, thought yall would get a kick out of it

The guy on newsmax just summed it up great

it's the wild west in big tech, i didn't know rumble was suing google

dude im pretty pro at sim city

Oh I'm being very attentive to where and what I spent my money on - i saw a badass hat in an otherwise great gas station in one of the best parts of town : Made in China ; I'd of paid the $18 they wanted for it - but nope. Put that $18 on black and lost, was more worth it to me than give any chi-com dime one

other than that anything else happening this fine day?

in a year it may not seem like a bad thought

You know - im not quite sure what they'd do

I know he's kind of a quack, but i'm curious as to what Lin Wood is up too

anyone here into flight simulator?

been playing a month and just yesterday landed a 747 successfully

buzz Mt. Rushmore in a 747 is pretty legit

So I take it gab still kinda wonky?

Man I'm bored, have almost no drive to work and nothing is open

Wouldn't blame him if you see him divest everything from these liberal shitholes

doesn't he have a hotel in san fran?

I'm in michigan, I'm not sure if i can change affiliation

that's fair actually

I either wont vote or I'll vote Trump doctrine of empowerment instead of sucking the teet ; whoever comes along first with it

Hey Chavin, grats on being charged alone - good luck in that circus

tried* - Just gets old seeing how ridiculous this all is getting - i gotta get off the computer and be productive lol

Anyone here give me some feedback?

So i woke up this morning and called my local rep trying to ask for a comment (or something specific) on impeachment

his dumbass assistant told me to go check the interwebs

Youtube throttling uploads - speed is trash ; go figure

probably my ISP ready to shut'er down /jest

I made a 43 minute podcast on the gas-lighting that's occuring ; and stuck it to my state rep for 43 minutes after his staff treated me like some dip shit on the phone, gonna share it here and these points are driven home basically out of pure spite for this piece of shit virtue-signaler demon looking fuck ; He's grandson and heir to the largest retail operation in the midwest yet he's walking around pretending like he's afraid of these people, capitulated almost on a whim to save his own political career and really want's us to believe a multi-billionaire doesn't have adequate security

give me a fucking break, these people are so beyond illogical, they put enough troops in the capitol, and for what

Very plausible, his interview was on msdnc and he looks borderline high

Aye, as of course youtube struck the video for something absolutely ridiculous, so imma fuck with it later

Rumble I cant get to upload anything faster than like 101/kbs ; everyone has the same idea get your shit off youtube and make sure its secure elsewhere

Haven't messed around with bitchute, although it wouldn't be a bad idea

How we doin today guys? been out the loop

how we doing tonight guys

been out the loop again working most of the day

Started dating this mexican lady, no joke our conversation ended up last night "Are you a white supremacist?"

Eh, I red-pilled her with logic and didn't out myself as a Trump guy in the beginning, I think she's like middle-ground right now trying to evaluate after I said my peace ; kind of wanna see where it goes

her pre-conceived gaslight fed information was pretty wrong, and I pointed that out to her - which made sense *i think to her

Most of the jap waitresses are all on onlyfans now from around here

I'm putting in effort to red-pill, she seems worth it and seems more receptive in comparison to these psycho's in the past i've found on facebook dating

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