
Discord ID: 245381775012921355

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That was to be expected guys. It doesn't end in Michigan court, he knew they would deny shit. So, it goes to appeal in a higher court. Eventually it'll go to the Supreme court.

Them denying shit in lower courts quickly actually helps Trumps chances in a way, because it'll get to a higher court quicker lol.

Mitch McConnell helped Trump build the Supreme Court to the way it is now. This has been planned for years and they knew it.

The quick lawsuit denials that you're seeing in the media is a demoralize campaign. What they don't realize is quick decisions in the court room lead to faster appeals in higher court.

If they dragged it out in a lower court, that's when you should be worried.

Just posting this here so I can watch it on another device

Power move

he's not scared

He knows what's up

He wouldn't make these claims if they weren't true.

Saying that you have evidence against a specific company, and name names, that's a huge statement to be lying about.

Dont take the black pill

Chin up king, Trump's got this.

Lmfao we know what they're gonna do

they're gonna push this dystopia that Trump stole the election through lawsuits and do the same dance for another 4 years of NotMyPresident

there's your guide

fuck Biden's plan

it's irrelevant

The left is full of double thinkers. They believe in multiple things that contradict themselves. You can't call them intelligent.

Yeah I saw that

Never gonna happen

This election cannot be stolen because they will just steal the senate the same way

The truth will come out

Watch maybe a lot of seats will flip too if this is proven

maybe republicans will have the house and the senate

she will be the tie breaker yes

and consider Romney a D at this point

so that's minus 1 seat that they consider ours

So they may not even require a tie breaker

with him

He's been a Rino from the start, and an opportunist towards who ever is "winning" at the current moment in public opinion.

He is a part of a Psyops controlled by the left.

There's a reason why Mitch McConnell didn't start his plan of supreme court control until Trump ran when he's been planning it Since Gork was rejected by the Democrats smear campaigns against him.

Chess pieces are now moving which means they have enough evidence against them to start pulling the strings.

Yeah that worked out great with ACB

She got in quicker than anyone anticipated

Nancy said she would do everything in her power to stop it

So, good luck against Trump on this one lmfao.

They're mad at Nancy because they think she didn't do a good enough job. They're scared.

They're threatening her seat

as speaker

They're saying things like "People are scared of words like socialism and communism being viewed in a positive light" and shit

AOC is pissed off

she threatened to quit politics all together if her "party" didn't embrace socialism

We're fighting a party that's fighting themselves from 4 different fronts right now

This is our time to strike because they are so disorganized right now


So if Dems get senate majority, that makes Schumer senate majority leadewr

and mitch senate minority leader

She can't be president until 35

Mitch is the only reason we have a Supreme court the way it is

he coached brett and amy

based on what Joe biden tried to do to clarence thomas

and what they did to bork

Yeah except the first guy may be compromised now

ACB is the ace in the hole

now he's irrelevant

ruth couldn't have picked a better time to kick the bucket

Clarence Thomas?

Biden accused him of rape

on TV

They 100% paid off the chick just like they did to Brett

right out of the Biden play book

yeah they had 4 affidavits that said "he may have blah blah" not saying anything direct

and that was good enough for them to go to court

so why isn't trumps 287?

the supreme court will rule

and if they pass it off to the states

we win 30-20

because of state legislature control

gg ez

yeah it's gg either way

so the only option they have is to create this dystopia via the mainstream and social media

that Biden won and Trump stole it

it's gonna happen

It'll be over faster if Trump is president


Half of the people who voted for biden are already dead so, we have a head start

NotMyPresident Season 2 Episode 1 Starts Janurary


CNN is currently for sale. Trump should buy it, announce himself the victor on CNN, and then say "well, you heard it here folks, CNN says Trump won." 8D Chess.

Jeff Bezos already owns the Washington Post and I'm not sure if you can own 2 News Media companies at the same time (gotta check into the laws)

But the left already said that he doesn't want it

AT&T is doing this for political reasons too, with their time warner cable proposal or whatever

remember that?

The Supreme Court said that they couldn't do it because CNN was a conflict of interest or something

and now the head of the FCC is different

so they may be thinking they're gonna get fucked

and soon

yeah true

idk I may be overthinking it lol


I've had tmobile for 10 years

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