Discord ID: 501338204868182016

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Lol so if someone thinks they are a deer can I tag them out during hunting season because your logic states this blur between reality and delusion needs to be adhered to if someone doesn't "feel" the way they observably are...


I mean its cool man you fucked a tranny and have built this mythos to make it not gay. We get it.

Free college will seal our fate as a failed state... sadly these people believe they are intelligent after getting a liberal arts degree from humanities.

We need Yuri Bezmenov gifs

Lol its like monty python. BURN THE WITCH

I honestly think he just fucked a trans dude and still has feelings

They won't let people go to the inauguration


Got this email a bit ago

Can I just be honest without sounding too black pilled... it took a billionaire with a squeaky clean background to even establish a beachhead against the deep state. Without him I think we are hamstringed

The power the msm holds over a very large portion of the US population is absolutely terrifying... I have trump supporting friends who think what happened in the capital was Trump supporters killing people and violently overthrowing congress.

They want to purge any groups of Trump supporters to stifle any kind of communication and organization.

@Jeepman466 [Lone Bear] post pics in shitposting channel

I play mine craft in IRL

Want to buy twitter put options but "they" will likely prop it up like a zombie corporation and I won't be able to properly make money on Twitters demise...

Post it to imgur and link it lol

I've looked into this Vatican thing and the pope was on a live stream like 30 minutes ago... if I had to bet I'd bet larp

Also this doesn't look like a blackout to me. https://youtu.be/dCDr9ft0Ym4

if you have to say you lost your guns its time to start using them...

The old bait and switch

i cant believe that a joe biden video will now have that much views...

that dude cant fill a small room and certainly cant pull 100k views on youtube without tricks like that

Abbott is more interested in covid than the election theft

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