Sinnamon Type Beat

Discord ID: 320731902145200130

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Hey fellas.
Glad to be here with my people. <:poggers:577213092673355796>

I did King dw

Woah what I miss

Just as I got home from work too

Can I get a tldr so fat

Speaking of Vidya games, would a game section be possible here at all or

Done and done

Were all in this together, Kings. We've got this.
We will WIN

How are you all tonight

Ah I saw that
Fuckin cringe

Dems are saying Biden got a legit 81 thousand votes now LMAO

Are we winning kids

Fuck yeah

Are we winning kids <:thinking:445724717450526731>

I really hope we can fuck over the libs big time. I wanna see them cry even more.

@TheMousez Oh I know, I just want to see them all cry. What's happening rn is fucking huge.

So it's over then huh.


The state legislatures route is still in play.
A Congressional route is still a possibility.
A military route has always been on the back burner.

I love you brothers and sisters
We can hold the line

The state legislatures route is still in play.
A Congressional route is still a possibility.
A military route has always been on the back burner.
It's not over. Not by a long shot.
Like I said

Come on, fellas. We have to hold.

Why can't Tom be the new pres

Hold. That's all we can fucking do right now. Let's wait and see what Trump says. I'm hoping for Marshal Law so bad.

Who left and what'd they say LMAO


Is mainstream media pushing that Biden won rn because that's all im seeing

Well yeah but i'm seeing it more now with this shit going on

Man I just wanna get fucked up tonight and be happy about Trump

I just need more confirmation first

Bruh why would he?

This has probably been shared here but check this out everyone

Who said anything about booze my boy <:umbreonsip:721680728760254504>

I need my daily Alex Jones

I use Twitter for the hentai and shitposting

So have we lost fellas

U l t r a I n s t i n c t T r u m p

God this better be good

We're all in this together in the end so we should chill and not strike at ourselves


Any news?

will check after this OW match



Martial Law is fake news huh.
I dont know how this is going to go at this point. Not sure what he means by that

We need something at least

Yeah you're right
I'm just worried

Dem power trip is unreal
It's just a now or never situation

We need to beat them back into their cancer holes to rot

There's been a lot of autists joining and trying to spam the server right? Lmao right at this time too even seems like its a bit out of fear

Any news?
I hope something good at least

So I take it we didn't get anywhere today?

I keep seeing shit about Pence saying Don can't overturn it. Obviously fake news but it irks me.

God I hope this can make my day better

Good things yeah yes?

I'm so out of it fellas
Depression hitting hard and all this stuff

Are we winning sons?
Also trying, really am.
Wish I was high


We gotta win this

What's going on

Shut the fuck up bot

Kill the bot

Are we winning

In Risk of rain 2

Can someone tell me what's going on. I'm at work.

Sure sure are we winning?

Has Pence said anything?

So we winning then boys

I count that as a step to it

Trump 2020

So Pence backed out?

What the fuck man

So I assume he'll be back on later or he's just being a pussy

We need to take back what's ours now

Fuck the dems

I fell asleep for a couple hours, news?

So Pence isn't coming on then I assume, lmfao

Yes like I haven't herd that one before

Let's keep hope up for more shit to happen

Seems like it's over

As much as I hope something happens its bleak at best

Any of you think life will be back to what it was after covid passes?

I really hope something happens but fuck. This shit's gotten me too stressed out to where i've been sick lol

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