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He was verified by independent fact checkers to represent all of our views unanimously though

They may as well just report he won 6.9 Billion votes at this point

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's lefties just fishing for screenshots

General Chat last hour lmao



We're basically on the precipice of a real civil war. We need to think about communication offline cause likely everything you can imagine will be blocked and banned soon enough.

That's what I've been thinking

But I don't even own one

We should be dutifully downloading and saving as much evidence and footage as we can and holding it offline in drives too. Thinking about people like Pence as individual's with a free choice is probably a mistake

Virtually everyone in our government has been compromised for decadesx

Everyone besides basically just Donald is likely intertwined in things we won't ever get to see.

Does anyone have a pulse on actual info in regards to where to look in person in case communication does really become impossible

Who knows why he cucked, but it shouldn't be a surprise

Every single actual politician is likely compromised, or waiting for the right moment to cuck. The election was completely illegitimate, that took massive cooperation across the aisle. There's no more free elections. It doesn't "go back to normal" without it being forced to change back. We have to understand that putting faith in career political figures is just playing into the good vs bad game. We have to look to ourselves and each other going forward.

It's scary I agree, I always wanted to just be a writer lmao. But seeing this unfold, the years of social conditioning and objective disinformation they've infected our schools and institutions with. The exploitation of every group divided by racial lines for power, the whole thing was always a show. Normies are cancerously uninformed, and just believe the first source with a recognizable logo they encounter. The PR team for reality doesn't even exist. We should think strategically now. The world is watching. Let's get information out. As silly as it sounds we need Memes like 2016 again. We need to flood the public forum where we can and strike while it's hot. Behind that, well of course, we need to be eyes and ears open for what's next.

The Narrative is already that we are worse than BLM because we stormed a building. The narrative needs to be countered, the level of destruction and the demonstration of how blacks have been exploited into crime hell by the left and groups like BLM so dems could campaign endlessly on "change" while producing nothing for 60 years. Blm should stand for Black lives Mattered now, as they've vanished from the airwaves.

Biden isn't even a real entity, he's just an amalgamation of globalist advisors and corporate think tanks on 75,000 mgs of adderal when a camera comes on

True, we probably "lost" some support from people dull enough to be "undecided" and that probably is going to have consequences. We've never been here before. All we can do is network and wait for movers to move.

Having been to some Trump rallies the numbers that come out on the ground is staggering. I think even we are vulnerable to endless bombardment of propoganda. There's going to be millions of people cheering in their living rooms quietly tonight.

If Trump actually cucked we better delete our social media accounts

And start setting up tent fields in the woods lmao

@TheMousez I agree to an extent, we have to stop pretending all these things are accidents or just bad politicians and acknowledge the global ramifications and get even half as wild as the left

Also Repubs are garbage

They always were, Repubs were just milktoast military industrial complex globalists the only difference is they were content to rape the economy in private, wheras the left wants you to know they're doing it and also surrender your values and illusion of freedom.

The entire United States Government is compromised and pursuing a hostile globalist agenda except for a handful of isolated individuals. Trump's entire presidency was railroaded by garbage investigations then trumpeted into the public space by Social Media and Cable News Networks preventing him from doing anything without braindead emotional children chanting and rioting and looking for imaginary nazis in their own family circles. It was a miracle Trump was able to accomplish anything. The Repubs have always just been complicit with everything the Dems have done and that's why Bush-Obama was identical policy wise. We should be thankful Trump forced this to the surface.

We need to think along the lines of "radicals". They managed to undermine the entire united states since the 50s and 60s by infiltrating our foundations and education. The left laid a blue print for us 60 years ago.

Actual commies are probably beyond reason. To be so mindless and actually vote for oligarchy dems and sit there waiting for the GIB FREE election after election is pretty mentally crippled.

America won't really ever go commie. No one at the top actually believes in Communism. It's the perpetual carrot and stick for braindead teenage and 20 something socialists.

We'll just go full corporate welfare and have to not say bad words in public to get our 6 month waiting list free healthcare

Because old communism had an air of nationalism to it and virtually everyone knew they were in hell. This will be something arguably worse while completely moronic normies watch marvel movies and say they ended racism while half the country is crushed

The Dems are the racist machine. That's the whole trick, all the "RACIST" police shootings of career criminals were in democrat cities in destroyed democrat neighborhoods by police in Democrat districts

They literally exploited blacks into abject poverty crime hell so they can send in a camera every 4 years

basic Cloward and Piven shit

Yeah I noticed that and was happy to see it honestly. The social experiment of black america is the blueprint for the rest of the country

Some of them started to realize Black Lives Matter is really Black Lives Mattered

I escaped NY to PA just in time to see PA go full speed NY. It's likely no state is really prepared or able to resist in a meaningful capacity. Every Dem district is a hotbed of radical globalism racial exploitation victimhood economics machine.

Frankly, the capitol storming should have been much more, it is definitely suspicious that a bunch of us would go in there and then just stand around and take selfies instead of every laptop in the building

It was too neat, a low energy "Storming" and then immediately after the entire right is exterminated completely in all sectors of the public lol

Of course, as garbage as Antifa or BLM is, they are organized action groups with logistics

The "storming" just forced Trump to step down. If it was severely worse he would've been forced to stay for the civil war lol.

The reality is he got 75 million legit votes. I don't think anyone here even begins to acknowledge the ludicrous biden votes. That means that despite a nonstop media smear campaign the like of which has never been seen before on earth failed to dissuade anyone

Our numbers are out there, we should be learning how to actually organize now and focus on in person communication chains since all social media is gone for us. We need some commonality and we should all start reading old leftist literature on how to destroy America considering we're in a similar position to them in the 1950s

We do have issues policing ourselves. The left is so much more driven. Every Trump rally ever there was always a few antifa scum with actual Nazi flags waiting for the CNN closeup

There is an undeniable upside to the storming regardless. I mean, we know millions of Americans were on the edge of their seat for a minute silently cheering this fraudulent election would be in the garbage where it belonged

Only after it fizzled out did everyone realize it was probably a false flag or just a waste of time

Well, not a waste, but still

God the "conservative values" bunch are almost worse than RINOs. They're the types acting surprised on the radio that the court cases got thrown out.

We know Epstein was murdered, we know there's a real deep state pushing a hostile globalist agenda, we know the election was a fraud, we know the media is complicit and has been and the repubs and dems down the line don't represent their constituents and we know they use pandemics and climate as a political weapon and the end game is probably mass public housing and food doles while China slave labor manufactures the bullets for our military to crush resistance and we now know the elections are completely rigged. So frankly, what options are still on the table? Because we sure are having a fracture moment. What is a viable non violent alternative? The only thing I can think of is a nonstop stand in in D.C. with enough organization to keep food and water flowing while the cops murder us.

The difference is they already have cracked down. They cracked down decades ago while we were at work.

We have almost 0 representation going forward

The repubs ran for the hills as always and with the election being completely fraudulent where is the path towards representation?

Frankly, media buildings would be better.

at 2 am when no one is there

I mean we don't want this last page gone lol

Frankly I think we all know we're not really going to die hard our way out of this in a hail of glory

But there is definitely merit to perhaps non violent action

Like just surrounding media buildings

and mass protesting them

As a baby step

Honestly where even is safe to talk?

Or do we just put our phones in the glove box and cry in the car for the rest of our lives

The whole "left" agenda is self perpetuating "social issues" that don't end. Most of their issues aren't even a legal reality and Trump had the right idea ignoring most of it, instead of doing the classic Repub "I'm sorry for being racist" maneuver

If we were to even try and court people on the left, it would really start with information which these days I can't even begin to imagine how since we have 0 platforms

Leftist dogma doesn't hold up to extended criticism, it's always surface and shiny but shockingly inconsistent, like -- racist police murder black people -- call the police if you have an emergency you shouldn't need a gun etc.

@pundeh You're right though, that is what we should actually focus on. In person is the only thing they can't take away yet.

So networking should be a key factor. Most right wing issues completely blanket race and social issues because they're not "For or Against" race. The left knows that. It's why they only speak in such absolutist terms these days. If you resist you don't think black lives matter and then your aunt is ashamed of you lmao

Look I'll concede our healthcare is wild, but I'm rightfully suspicious that the globalist military industrial complex voter fraud mass surveillance state might not have my best interests at heart if I need medication to live

Alright goodnight

I only eat chinese food 4 times a week now I'm healthy as fuck

But I believe Trump chipping away at the pharmaceutical industry was a great step in the right direction. I just can't trust our government as it is to completely run healthcare. Frankly, programs like medicaid actually work well. I think it better concession would be expanding or relaxing the requirements on existing programs for health. In fact, full blown benefit reform should become part of our platform. The current welfare system is predatory and exploitative. I know cause I was on it growing up in poverty. If you get a job for $10/hr you lose the whole package so of course you quit and go right back. Restructuring welfare to help people get certifications for in demand jobs and help them get a car as opposed to giving them $300 and free rent would be a big step to crippling the dem power structure

You should be uplifting citizens, not putting them in a project for 5 generations

The welfare system as it is today is purposely engineered to subsidize poverty and crime. It's right out of the Cloward and Piven plan to a T

Just creates government dependent voting blocks

Job health insurance is almost like that already. The reason it's unpopular is that if you live in a dem state like NY and it costs $2000 for a 2br in hell you can't even afford the 20%

In red states job insurance is seemingly more viable since your local taxes and as a result cost of living is low enough that it can work

But keep in mind there are plenty of people who are growing up in these blue states in raw poverty with access to nothing besides an EBT card and public schools on par with prisons. Prosperity is the key to crippling leftist dogma. If people have the opportunity to better themselves without being crushed by debt then a lot of them will. Obviously not all, but it's not impossible. We have the resources to have effected these strategies decades ago but that would put dems out of business across the nation so it won't happen anytime soon. As I and everyone else here has probably said 100s of times, our govt is compromised and actively against individual freedom and mobility. The end game for America is looking at any inner city project right now.


Undenaibly COVID was a tool to centralize the economy

It stole massive wealth from the people and put it in the hands of Jeff Bezos so his newspaper could tell people they're gonna eat the rich once Trump is gone lmao

Because there is no grounds for it, the government under no means should be redistributing any wealth besides the taxes they've already levaraged out of us. Bezos is a product of corporate socialism

The economy is no longer free and allowing the government that is already using a thin veil of corporate arms to steal as much as they can to just do it openly is objectively worse

The government bailing out mega corps and not allowing banks to fail was the first indication of what we're in. We are currently living in some oligarchy where the risks of business have been socialized but not the reward. The answer isn't trying to socialize the reward ultimately stagnating the entire economy and allowing the same bureaucrats that are trying to destroy us to have even more control. The answer is breaking up these companies that are allowed to monopolize an entire industry and lobby themselves above the law

The government is ultimately just the biggest corporation. It is not neutral and just never will be even though in theory it should. It's just made up of corruptible individuals who want the same things we do at the end of the day. The only difference is they don't have to even pretend to satisfy the consumer to stay in business. They should always be regarded with healthy suspicion

In theory, a large corporation shouldn't be discouraged, but allowing them to do for example what FB has done does need to be addressed

There's a tightrope metaphor in there somewhere

Discouraging wealth creation should always be a no, because you eventually will run out of people

's assets to redistribute

But on the other hand, allowing godlman sachs CEOs to be the treasury secretary for decades in a row is just obviously evil

Term limits for all government offices would be the beginning of addressing this. Forcing corps to hand over a few dozen extra suitcases helps a little.

Frankly everyone who is wealthy will do everything they can to escape taxes. What should be done instead is roll out incentives like Trump tried to do early on. Companies should get tax breaks for opening new locations on U.S. soil so they can compete with chinese slave labor

Lobbying needs to be busted open and stopped

And politicians caught taking a bribe need to see real consequences, that's something we could learn from China

Our entire government is ruled by millionaires who own multiple houses yet only make around 150k a year

Our whole government thrives on foreign wars and it's basically just for contracting kickbacks and to funnel black money away.
The system is utterly corrupt, and that's why Trump is being crucified like this. Because anyone who speaks out usually ends up dead or destroyed, he just happened to win an election they thought he had no chance of winning.

We're in a dangerous time, all these ideas sound great, but we won't ever get a chance to implement them while we're pushed to the fringes of society

Also Repubs are the most disgusting spineless cowards of all American history. The dems are pretty open about fundamentally changing our nation and implementing globalist ideals. The Repubs are just worms who pretend to fight it. A lot of outrage should be channeled towards them. They are the ones who need to be rebuilt. A right leaning economic system if not sabotaged by manufactured riots or a pandemic would give people the first taste of prosperity for a long time, that's why it's always viciously opposed. Repubs need to be taken to task, and replaced. All of us who are serious need to get into politics.

The Dems couldn't even exist with real opposition

I actually did start in my area

Oh man that's tough

I'm in PA so it was easy. I spoke to the local republican office and gave them my info and visit regularly

And have been talking about joining the local committee which just means polling and silly entry level stuff

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