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its seared into my mind


From Breitbart. Cuckerberg

Whelp what have I missed? Just got up.

@TheMousez whats better is I called them fake news and this dickhead said that the term fake news is not a real term and will be outlawed soon and no it was not a bot account

I hate censorship on Facebook!
I loathe censorship on twitter!!
And I despise censorship on tvโ€ผ๏ธ
Itโ€™s un-American, despicable and cowardly. #CancelCulture #FreeSpeech #BigTech
-Judge Jeanine Pirro

Just now on her facebook. I wonder if shes no longer with fox

@Ragnarok I've only been to florida 3 times in my life: Destin, Orlando, and most recently Panama City Beach. PCB is nice

Im not seeing anything is it a local channel or the national with little george

BREAKING: Donald Trump will win North Carolina's 15 Electoral College votes and Republican Sen. Thom Tillis will defeat Democrat Cal Cunningham for the Senate, Insider and Decision Desk both project.


Foc News is committing Seppuku

@EinnA none of the msm have but others have so who knows


Breitbart just released the presser where pompeo said a second term and the smirk was fantastic because you could feel the anger from the press

I believe the first was staying the same then the others flipped

Loss of PA? not seeing anything

I feel retarded

I know they changed Az and PA to grey from blue

Cenks gonna sweat so much he could fill a pool

White House tells federal agencies to proceed with plans for Trump administrationโ€™s budget for the next fiscal year - WaPo

Peace through fuck around and find out

Her: I hate math
Me: Me too but I like statistics
Her: Oh like what Kind?

I didnt bet

Only time I "bet" is when the mega millions or powerball is above a certain amount lol

If it doesnt overheat lol

Id buy the Xbox Series X fridge if Microsoft made it just sayin

this talk of fruit is making me crave some honey crisp apples

ive never heard of someone being allergic to apples and pears

Oof thats rough

> @Bismarckreich my sister is literally allergic to about everything. Im pretty sure he cant handle GMOs
@๐Ÿ…ฑรธg Wizard man thats rough

I remember in elementary school they only just started telling parents they needed to watch it due to peanut allergies

Do any of you watch the yt channels felix rex aka black pigeon speaks?

So I come back from doing my studies and first thing I see is weeb stuff


democrats and the lolberts

And Tucker took a shot at fox and cavuto

And one of the most bankrupt lol

id never live in chicago

A friend just sent me this

what have I missed boys anything new?

So I just woke up and checked my phone. Why is CNBC and others saying Trump conceded?

And I saw that video of BLM/Antifa roaches ganging up on that older man

So Bloomberg and CNBC is reporting Trump is starting a transition???? Care to catch me up I've been head deep into my college studies

I knew he had not conceded as from the little bit of news I have seen never said it though I know theyd be breaking into all programming if he did

So Barr showed his true colors today

So a friend of mine who has family studying over in Japan told me that he was talking with some locals a week or so ago and that theres a growing movement of nationalism in Japan with some calling for the post war treaty on their military ban be lifted since they are feeling really anxious about Chinas aggression

Interestingly enough that same movement wants to adopt similar beliefs they had pre WW2 with a dominant army but they want to keep an alliance with us

China is really going after the Aussies as of late

Imagine, an ultranationalist Japan, and the USA being allied against China

And China is also pissing off Russia

Imagine the timeline: ultranationalist Japan + Russia + US vs China

No that was a different case

the case that was thrown was done by the internal PA republicans

The one area that Russia is an equal to the US is submarine power

That one spit of land in the baltics is still firmly in Russian hands and is the only port that does not freeze like at St Petersburg

And the list of states is in the article

I'm just glad Tennessee did not cuck because Nashville is getting ridiculous

I found it kind of funny that North Carolina wants to be special and not pitch in

Aren't both Michigan and Wisconsin very heavily armed population wise

If that happened.........jesus

โ€œTexas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot,โ€ the court said.

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