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yk what

wait 2 minutes


“feminine” is someone social and cultural behavior. that has nothing whatsoever to do w brain behavior and structure.

brain behavior doesn’t mean the way a person behaves

yk that right?

my basis:

ur basis:

those are new ones

no because it literally is wrong. 1. trans women on hrt rarely get “boners” and they experience orgasms that are very similar to cis women. 2. the clit of a cis woman hardens when she’s turned on. they technically do get a “boner”

never said otherwise

the clit can do the same thing. not surprising that u don’t know anything abt that

anyways besties i think this concludes it lol. u haven’t brought a single claim, research, study or anything that supoorts ur points. ur entire pints have been boners and that “we were comfortable with what was happening for a thousand years therefore i am right”. best of luck bae

did u skip what i said like 5 words after that?

do u have any evidence that supports these “claims”


u trust philosophy but not-

my heart hurts

if that helps u sleep better at night then sure buddy

or if it helps



i’m not arguing anymore i made it pretty clear

ur too illiterate to argue w

no i did

u just didn’t understand anything

and i sent 8 links and u said “i’m not readin that”

as u like to say



and i made an argument w these links and u didn’t

chile ur a literal kid

yes, yes

we’re talking abt the brain structure and behavior of trans people

how is this philosophical

yes lmfao i’m the one that started it

no u switched to it (probably while i was sending the links) cause u had nothing else to say

sure buddy

“oh no”

i was hit with “ba ba ba my sources”

have fun jerking off to trans porn bestie

go figure man these build-a-coochies are smn else 🤣🤣🥶🥶🥶

grow out of what chile...

i’m so sorry that neurology and brain behavior and structure supports trans people. i’m so sorry 🥺🥺

who are u referring to? brain structure and behavior is a branch under neurology

certain brain behavior can be a mix of psychology and neurology, but not the behavior they referred to in the studies

ty bae

i cant send pics here


look up

the simplest thing

“is brain behavior neurology” and “is brain study neurology

just look it up bae

y’all talk too much


no one said they can...

we were talking abt studies that did brain scans and studied the structure, waves and behavior of the brains of trans people. that falls under neurology since they are literally studying someone’s brain

ur embarrassing



i didn’t say behavior of trans people

y’all rly need to learn the difference between social behavior and brain behavior

if a study is researching someone’s brain structure and brain behavior that is literally neurology

Neuroscientists focus on the brain and its impact on behavior and cognitive functions.

that’s a quote from that source

and that’s exactly what i’m saying


this has nothing to do w trans people

u said that my convo last night had nothing to do w neurology

that wasn’t even what we were talking abt


u know why i made such claims?

but wait


don’t try to run away from the topic

that isn’t what u talked abt

u said that this topic had nothing to do w neurology. if ur studying someone’s brain, no matter who they are, it literally is neurology

and then u went on to say that my previous discussion had nothing to do w neurology

just admit ur an idiot and leave

omg no

depends but yes !!

that isn’t what the discussion is abt tho


if u want to discuss whether or not neurology backs up trans people then sure we can

but that’s a different discussion

according to many different studies, the brain structure and behavior of trans women is similar to that of cis women and a lot closer to cis women rather than cis men. it supports the claim that trans women are women

i sent like

12 studies last night

swipe up


these are 8 of them

yeah dude u need therapy

here are the rest

i’m going to class so i’ll read later

nvm class is boring


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