Discord ID: 692391883951046787

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Hey Jessie why didn't everybody start rioting when this guy was killed

I mean he was killed in the same way as this recent minority

@Deleted User yeah but it didn't get any media attention because he was white.. it's not news unless you're black an a criminal.... but that's the point stuff like this happens all the time and nobody gives a shit ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘Œ

I cannot believe the America we have become. The deep state is succeeding in tearing families apart. How? I will answer....

In the 1950's Nikita Kruschev warned America that Communism would never invade America physically thru war efforts, but that they would get to us through our children. Think about this for a moment.

The public schools and especially the colleges are indoctrinating our kids by lying about history. Those of us that lived thru the very history being skewed in today's learning centers, know that those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

False groups today have been created to foment dissension among races. We had come so far before 2008, when a rogue president (not capitalized on purpose) created a new racial divide especially against the police. He encouraged false families and deviants to overshadow good, strong family ties. He created situations that attacked our family values and the schools taught that what was bad is good and what was good is bad.

Our children and now grandchildren were taught false truths.

Today our grandchildren are so full of hate for what is good that they have turned on their own families and no longer heed advice from their elders, instead hanging on the false truths of the deep state who will, in turn, devour them at a given time. Which...they do not see.

We, Patriots, are fighting now for the very existence of what good is left. We fight for the LIGHT against this EVIL attack on our families and world.

This is no longer about race, political views, religion, rights, etc. We are truly in the fight of good versus evil. We must win this fight in the name of all that is GOOD.

Sent with love from,
An American Patriot who loves her family and Country

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