
Discord ID: 788126097396334665

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2020-12-14 21:05:32 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #rittenhouse]  

Ghostdog, please: it's "Aspberger's" not "asburgers." Just fyi.

2020-12-14 21:06:57 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #rittenhouse]  

Yep. No problem.

2020-12-14 21:26:32 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #rittenhouse]  

Does anyone know Rittenhouse's status, after the Dec. 4th hearing?

2020-12-14 21:58:47 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #rittenhouse]  

Maw, what do you mean when you say that "a lot of the problem with the US's rehabilitation system stems from US culture."

2020-12-14 22:26:50 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Donald Trump does not need your money. He has p-l-e-n-t-y of his own. Also, the fund that paying into it can be spent on anything. Any old thing he wants. And he gets to keep it, too, even if he ends up losing the election. There is absolutely nothing that money will do to add, subtract, or change the facts that he wants to have heard in courts around the country. Put your wallet back in your purse or pocket. Better yet, send that donation to Toys for Tots, or your local food pantry.

2020-12-14 22:32:01 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Meglide, there's no mention of a lawsuit there.

2020-12-14 22:35:36 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Yeah, a threat, not a lawsuit. They are two very different things. Very misleading to suggest otherwise.

2020-12-14 22:48:10 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

That would be most appropriate and is necessary for the next Administration to continue the process of the transition. I think that Reps might find it helpful to have the next five weeks to get used to the fact that Biden will be inaugurated in January.

Then again, I've had monkeys flying out of my butt since November 3rd. I never thought the things that have happened since then would occur, but here we are. ~le sigh~

2020-12-14 23:05:18 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I'm here to understand the Trump supporters and Reps (who may or may not be Trump supporters).

We all have to live together when this is all over, regardless of who prevails in courts of law. The facts, though, are that Pres. Trump's track record of losses and wins is 56-1, or may 57-1, with a smattering of cases still pending. Virtually all of the cases at the appellate level are using the same data used in cases that have been lost using that data, meaning its likely they'll be lost as well.

I'm not here to argue or mash anyone's nose in it. I'm trying to see your point of view. I'm reading the articles and listening to RR and following threads. I think the question, though, after today's election step, is, what are you going to do now? Isn't it time to put down the pitchforks and accept that the evidence has been heard, dozens of times, and that it isn't valid? At some point, you've just got to admit, after 56 or 57 times at bat, that you just can't play ball.

2020-12-14 23:21:22 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Meglide - agreed. An awful, no good, very bad year. But if Congress certifies today's electoral college vote on January 6 (which they will, after some blustering about seals and gubernatorial signatures), then it really is all over, and Biden will be president-elect or record. I just wonder is the Trump supporters, caught up up in all of the intrigue, have considered what they will do when Congress certifies Biden? Have any of you seriously sat down and thought about what you're going to do?

2020-12-14 23:24:58 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Ty Dedkraken

2020-12-14 23:39:54 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@jackel37isagod, Trump's lawyers have lost 56 or 57 out of the last 57 or 58 lawsuits they've filed. The allegations of fraud have been heard, literally dozens of times, ANF have been found to be legally invalid, many times by Republican, or even Trump-appointed judges. If he runs out of courts to file in, what then?

Seriously, what will your life look like if/when Biden is inaugurated? He was elected today by the electoral college, for all intents and purposes, a bond those votes cannot be changed, except under a very small variance that is unlikely to happen.

So, what now for you? It's a done deal, all the chess pieces on the board have been played, and Trump's opponent has called a checkmate. The officials have agreed that the game was legit. At some point, don't you have to lay down your spear and club, and just be an American who's living under a President whom you don't like, in an ho-hum, everyday kind of way, and not this hellfire and brimstone way?

2020-12-14 23:46:06 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@meglide - I fervently wish that if the R's hold the Senate, that Mitch McConnell is replaced. I believe he would do what he did during Obama's terms, absolutely blocking all legislation from being taken up for votes. I believe his behavior during Trump's terms, blocking House proposals, is just shy of criminal, and is definitely harmful to the running of the country.

2020-12-14 23:49:43 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Jackel37isagod - His lawyers have argues his case 57 times, and lost 56 times. How many more times should he be allowed to file suit?

2020-12-14 23:50:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

And Biden in jail? For what?

2020-12-14 23:58:09 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Jackal - That's simply not the fact. You can Google some of his earlier suits and find some judgments that were 40-60 pages long, describing in great detail why the evidence was found to be invalid.

2020-12-15 00:01:51 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Georgia's votes were counted, by hand, three times. How is it that they're still in question?

2020-12-15 02:42:14 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #rittenhouse]  

@Maw, @AntiFish03, okay. I thought you meant some racist s**t about how it's always a Black brother or sister committing more crimes than any other "culture." I get really tired of that conversation.

2020-12-15 02:43:55 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #rittenhouse]  

@Valentino G - perfect.

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