Current Ronin

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@Mr Snow I'm telling you man. Cool, tastefully done art film that hits people in the feels whilst hitting all our points

Sans any explicit alt right memes cause I feel like that would cheapen it

Ben shapiro btfo haha

Do you guys watch red letter media?

They're probably liberal libertarians or something stupid like that. But! They do amazing movie break downs and I actually learned a lot of about film from their "half in the bag" show

They are making a big lebowski 2...

Whenever I hear a leftist talk about "muh democracy" I just chuckle at this point

I have transcended being triggered and have reached peak zen when it comes to leftists haha

I don't think the military would give up the bases on california

They can all just go become engineers for the self driving trucks that replaces truckers. Did I say replace? I meant new career opportunity receivers

Guys it's all in the way you frame things. They weren't *fired* they were *put on a new course*

They can make wigs for the trannies they love

Dude can we be done with the Mueller investigation? We're almost on 3 years with this..

Bro I feel like we're all covington...#woke

@Ian how stunning and brave are they?

No I mean the leftists haha

I don't know you do that man...that's nuts

Gronk stunning and brave

It really is I totally agree

Gronk agree

Wait guys I shouldn't apply at the new vape shop then?

I just want to fit in so bad!!

I think there's a vape club on my campus. Unironacally

Yeah I remember seeing a big tarp that said "vape" on the day where all the different club kiosks were out

My room mate was a cosplay girl and was very pretty but the most socially awkward person I've ever met.

Nope i am a 30 year old dude


I have a great story of a person I know that got thrown into one of those cringe compilations but I have to tell it in person cause it's too dox dangerous

Ohhh haha yeah

Hey the truth hurts.

Have you guys seen the documentaries this guy Porsalin does? He did one on one Benjamin calling him a cult leader

Owen Benjamin is boring af

Oh really? Yeah I remember watching some of his stuff last year and it was like whatever

I just can't do the "I'm edgy but im swear im not racist" stuff

That's how I started out too. With the gavin and crowder stuff and to me it's so cringe now...

Although gavin actually made me laugh a few times



Why!!! Just leave it right there! Don't defend them you bi polar weirdo

Yeah despite gavin being very cringe, he was a big part in me learning about all this

And even before that it was through anthony cumia

Dude I had brought that up a couple days ago. These Republicans are talking about muh tax cuts and have no new faces and the Democrats have young people that have the country talking and paying attention

Yeah let's just lock the dreamers in with the wall

Defeating the purpose entirely

It's basically walling in 1.8 million people we want out. Nice art of the deal, douche

We are not a serious country

Draft a bunch of Africans for your cricket team

Wait..does cricket have teams?

What's cricket?

But we already have baseball


They just put it in every bill. "The new bill for the local community center has 9 billion dollars allocated for isreal"

Piss earth 2046 "guys we are so close to wall funding you don't even know"

What do you do if you're in between manlet and lanklet?


Styx "I don't really care" hexenhammer

Yeah he's easy to make fun of but I don't mind him


That's like 34 D chess

Yeah to put it in perspective he's not our guy so we shouldn't be expecting a ton out of him

Cold take? I don't know i haven't eaten yet I'm hungry


What a strange creepy man...

Has anyone memed highly anti semetic Jordan peterson?

Is there an ie meme discord?

I gotta do something with these spicy maymays

Are you implying that it would be immature?

Wait are you saying that immaturity and memes may be connected in some way?

Haha no I know you're probably right

Gronk want wall

Orange man Build wall or gronk no vote

Orange man grow pair

Nope. Gronk now

Gronk make better argument

Gronk have cooler cave car

Not gonna lie. My 30 year old boomerness showed by not saying grug haha

I was too busy playing quake

Is pepe even a thing anymore?

We could do a dead meme mashup. Pepe is stored in the balls

Were just being zoomers dude

I'm such a zoomer. Lil pump is lit af fam

Seeing as every anime is naruto...yes

I heard dragon ball z is actually naruto

So is cowboy bebop

Funny story about hellboy..


Dude that anime is epic

So many mechs

I'm gonna need more than a month for this autism

I'm so stupid I didn't know what the puzzle emoji was until right now

@Loganthats fair I respect that

That was one the things that brought me to the Internet alt right. The humor made the black pilling tolerable.

I have heard about it but never read it. Assuming it's a book right?

@Logan okay cool I'll check it out

Dude im not even a zoomer I just turned 30 haha I just have a stupid sense of humor

Alright guys I'm heading into the gym I'll holler at you later

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