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Yeah they're Irish Gaels + Picts basically

Anglos destroyed it

Dang didn't know that

Oh wow thats a nice find

Thanks for sharing

Why would they even go something like this for AOC of all people? Her victory is all but assured

Her district is liberal af

I mean, add two more states to that and that would be enough

I know nothing about Pokimane but I'm kind of surprised she's that much of a leftist

I suppose I shouldn't be though

I've been meaning to read that

I'm not a fascist but I'd be interested to see his thoughts

Think so


Most atheist arguments just boil down to "If God real why bad thing happen"

Yeah exactly, its just whats socially taboo still

Eventually none of it will be and then we will just be left with nothing

Not to mention they don't even give us credit for morality or at least their morality

She's Moroccan

Probably "Muslim" not Muslim

As in "Muslim" for le diversity points

Pretty much

It doesn't really say anything about it

Some people claim it says racemixing is ok but you can't really say that either

I'd say the most theologically sound thing you can say about it is it doesn't take a stance one way or the other

The big takeaway for me is exposing what a circus politics has become

Politicians wanting to seem quirky and relatable by playing le funny relatable reddit game

That would kind of defeat the purpose of a "get out to vote stream" but yeah wouldn't be surprised

Yeah bruh moment

What did he say this time

Kind of surprised he hadn't said it before now

Can't relate though cuz I'm protestant


Theres a fair amount of denominations that don't really have this problem

Good luck king

Thats fair I guess

Its kind of a shame Catholics don't have a more fleshed out way of getting rid of heretic popes like this one

Like revolt how

Like have a break church from the Catholic church?

Because in that case you may as well just become Protestant

That was what the Protestants were trying to do in the first place

The original plan was to reunite with Catholics once they got their shit together

Thats one denomination (Anglicans)

They are retarded we don't talk about them

The real protestants are Lutherans and Calvinists

Anglicans literally don't even believe the bible is divinely inspired, they are hardly even Christian

Is he even Christian?

Why are you friends with leftwing retards

I mean

Most Catholics are on the left

Doubt we have any Atheist/Non-Trinitarian groypers here

Hey man do you wanna VC tomorrow

I'm just busy tonight lol


Usually the stupidest people are the most smug

From my experience

Plus, that verse from 1st Corinthians

Thats like the go-to atheism verse lol

Yeah they are without fail

I was never an atheist but if I had to guess it probably comes from a feeling of insecurity

And its just coping by being extra smug and self-righteous

Very well said

Atheists are in that?

I thought it was a Christian server

Yeah theres a lot of Atheists like that

Some combination of both imo

Well actually what do you mean by purpose

If there's no love the marriage won't stay together

But if its just lust or chemistry it also isn't going to work

Though I'd argue love is a little bit more important then purpose


Glad to see server somewhat active again

Yeah thats based

Only real difference with me is I am a little bit more mixed economically

I'm not too worried, as long as the Supreme Court stays loyal

It was used a lot yesterday

Yeah I'm pissed ACB abstained

Like nigga its literally your job

Yeah Christ commands us to submit to our governments so all we can really do is wait to get power

@mrspiderforeman I'm sure you already know this but make sure that if you are asked whether or not you are Christian you affirm it

Thats super important

Because if you deny Christ He denies you in heaven

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