Knights Armament

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2018-09-15 23:11:26 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2018-09-15 23:13:04 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


2018-09-28 20:55:01 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

"I don't think the significant increase in divide between Americans started with Trump's election." Change my mind.

2018-09-28 20:55:10 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

I honestly don't think the recent SIGNIFICANT DIVIDE started with Trump's election. While Trump certainly isn't helping the divide, I believe he is merely a symptom of the problem and not the cause. I believe the Left itself has changed & this change is connected to the media. The divide became noticeably bad around 2010s with the rise of Alt-media, like Buzzfeed, that pushed a different kind of liberalism. Anyone who lives in Southern California, where all this Alt-media resides, knows they hold a different kind of liberalism when compared to the old-school liberalism that used to reside in places, like New York, where the old media used to reside. You can see it in the Identity Politics that are being pushed by these Alt-media companies. It's a more revolutionary liberalism where you see yourself "fighting oppression" rather than lifting others up by reaching out with a compassionate hand. Now don't get me wrong, each side has been drifting away from the center thus contributing to the problem but I think the Leftwing overall bears a lot more responsibility for the divide than they're willing to least currently.

2018-09-28 20:55:23 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

Again, Trump is not helping the situation & I wish he would stop being such an @sshole sometimes but I can't ignore the division the Left's identity politics have caused, unlike so many people in the mainstream media do. It's quite clear the Left is lurching closer & closer to the extreme as shown by PEW Research, who is extremely trustworthy btw. You can also see this with the rise of DSA, who literally chant "No borders, No walls, No USA at all." There is even a growing distain for having simple conversations on the Left even with people who are moderate. I myself hold liberal views (Ex. Pro-choice, Pro-LGBT, Pro-weed, Pro-social programs) as well as a few Conservative viewpoints (Ex. Pro-gun) but I can't even have a conversation with most members of the modern left anymore. It's scary. I didn't even vote for Trump and I don't think I will but to them I'm somehow still a far-right Nazi. Basically what I'm saying is I think the significant rise in division is coming from the fact Left's new ideological base resides in California, which has a radical different set of principles, than that of the old school, working class Left that dominated New York.

2018-09-28 21:00:40 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

I wouldn't put all the blame on the Left but I can't ignore what I've seen coming from the Left. The things I've seen are quite disconcerting.

2018-09-29 01:11:51 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Hey @Timcast , what is the name of your documentary on racism called? I'd love to see it.

2018-10-24 13:52:23 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Wow. Dave Rubin had Tucker Carlson on his show. And, Tucker doesn't sound extremely Conservative. In fact, he sounds liberal. The older, good kind of liberalism.

2018-11-18 16:48:57 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

@Timcast Possible footage of migrants in the caravan throwing rocks at a US Helicopter. The account that tweeted the footage is clearly bias but it might be worth checking into.

2018-11-18 17:22:51 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

That's a good point. The US did sell some Blackhawks to the Mexican miltiary as part of the joint crackdown on drug trafficking.

2018-11-27 02:07:35 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Another terrorist attack by the religion by the peace on Jewish individual happened. I guarantee this won't make it into Don Lemon's skewed statistics...
Also, can you guess the tags on this article? If you guessed Terrorism, Anti-semitism or anything obvious, you're wrong. If you guessed "Acting" (I.e., something that has nothing to do with the article), you're an Enlightened Progressive. The Hill's tagging is probably an honest mistake but the MSM have made so many deliberate mistakes I wouldn't put it past them to be like "Omg, we can't have "bigots" compiling and categorizing our reporting to figure out who commits the most terrorist attacks. We can't be promoters of hate speech. Let's change the tags to something meaningless so things are harder for them to find. Ermehgad!"

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