๐Ÿ‡ Shallan ๐Ÿ‡

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It's on Steam and its bonkers

The minimum wage should be abolished. It is the greatest barrier to the underprivileged to gain entry to the workforce.

Not everyone has an IQ above 90. Yet these people are denied entry to the workforce due to minimum wage restrictions thus placing undue pressure on social welfare programs.

Raiding the minimum wage will only serve to accelerate automation in effort to defray the cost, driving more underprivileged workers out of the workforce.

McDonalds is piloting a nearly fully automated restaurant in several key cities in direct response to pressures to raise minimum wage. This will get accelerated when that happens and drive thousands of workers elsewhere to find employment and health benefits.

This kind of automation is also being explored by large companies like Walmart and Amazon who are already highly automated. Minimum wage increases have historically reduced the labor pool of low-income wage earners and will continue to do so by most estimates.

You can't just increase minimum wage and say that you'll "re-train" unskilled laborers who get displaced by the automation as a result. This is a myth perpetuated by politicians who ignore the basic truth that not all people are in fact "equal" and some simply are not capable of taking on more highly skilled work requiring higher cognition.

Any politician who claims to be fighting for "equality" is fundamentally corrupt. People don't want to hear that humans are much more complex and variant along three axis that drive their relative success

Values - those principles that are held most dearly and usually imbued during childhood and by culture. Not everyone is equal and shares the same values. For example, Islam's treatment of women.

Skills- those things that are learned by training or by experience. Again, this is highly variant.

Abilities- those things that come naturally. For example, those able to play basketball professionally are typically very tall.

If you have an IQ below 90, you don't possess the required ABILITY to perform more highly skilled labor requiring higher cognition- therefore the market cannot support what value you provide at a 15 dollar rate.

It's not "hate" it's just cold hard reality

So what we should be doing to help those people is fight to abolish the minimum wage entirely.

I'm actually arguing for the more compassionate position to benefit the most people in the real world.

Yet I'm the "evil" center-right libertarian jew

The fact is, there are people who don't have the ability to provide market value at or above 15 dollars. They deserve to have the dignity of earning a wage the market will support

This is also the same argument against collective bargaining. It eliminates market mobility and competition that allows entry level workers to enter the markets to compete.

I believe in collective bargaining when it comes to workplace safety issues that affect the well being of workers. I'm opposed to it when it comes to wages.

Minimum salary requirements almost always wind up hurting the poorest people

They sound good on paper but in reality aren't as effective as their proponents claim and almost always wind up in massive social welfare expansion.

Milton Friedman excellently pointed this out many years ago. I highly encourage everyone to go check out his talks on YouTube.

It seems so, @Scribblehatch

I just joined this server yesterday lol

Its fun. You guys are a trip.

Yeah I've enjoyed some of the conversation here. Learned a few things too. It's fun.

Last night was fun reading @Scribblehatch responses to Metekur sperging out on Sargon and Vee. I really think our little Romanian friend really sent Jim down a dark shithole. Lol.

Yup. Hes a toad.

No, the only one really worked up about it is Jim and he proved that in spades yesterday.

Uh did you watch his Sunday funday stream?

Oh god it was Alex Jones level conspiracy horseshit. Jim sounded like he was battling a bad coke high.

I'm going to start a Metekur drinking game. Every time Jim says "huffing your own farts" take a drink. Every time he says "cover myself in shit" take two drinks.

Well Kraut definitely got caught with his penis in the cookie jar. And when it came out, it was pretty clear who was and who wasn't involved.

Kraut was doxing ppl

Basically what it was

Why would he and did he is the more appropriate line of questioning @Dennafen. Unless we just don't care about finding out the truth.

The point is, Jim fantastically claimed he had solid evidence that Sargon and Vee were involved in doxing. He produced no such evidence.

This is why anyone with any ethics whatsoever doesn't believe accusations without corroboration. You can't just lay baseless accusations and demand someone defend themselves without solid proof. Its deeply intellectually dishonest to do so. Jim got called out on it and he wilted and failed fantastically and hilariously.

The fact that Jim pretty much said that he has no ethics and would "cover himself in shit" to take Vee and Sargon down tells you all you need to know about this ordeal. He basically came out and admitted he was a fraud instead of doing the right thing and eating humble pie with apologies. His ego demanded he flame out spectacularly.

How any rational thinking person believes Jim has any credibility at this point defies all logic. As far as I'm concerned he pretty much just wrote his resignation letter from Mars hill.

Jim literally has everything in common with the extreme left who attempted the same theatrics during the Kavanaugh proceedings.

And deserves the harshest criticism

I doubt hes smart enough for that @Blue Gale. He seems only capable of scoring points on the low hanging fruit of gender queer furries on the internet. Anything requiring more brain power in lieu of mouth seems out of reach for ol Jimmy.

With that being said, Sargon does have a huge ego. But that doesn't make him neccessary evil. It's just a personality thing.

I dunno @Dr.Wol sargon handed Thomas Smith a new asshole in a live debate pretty spectacularly. Not that this is a high bar for achievement.

Catgirls are always deep ops

Dankula is a good guy. Hes pretty funny and chill.

The fact that people think hes dangerous and evil is so hilariously wrong

But of course we are talking about the people who are threatened about the NPC meme because it hits a little too close to home.

The fact that Twitter and Facebook are busy about banning users with the NPC meme avatar only just more proves the whole point of the meme. It's like a Chinese finger trap of logic.

The far left has made so much a boogeyman of such a tiny minority of people on the radical right fringe they have literally shit their own pants.


These caravans are heading to America because they hear Trump is in charge and they think hes a great leader.

We don't know why the dingbat Hollywood left all threatened to move to Canada since they're all falling over themselves to get as many minimum wage earners into our country, displacing the poor minorities here legally.

This is so true

I swear it's like we live in a reality warp field

Great video @Scribblehatch

Haha @zutt

The left cannot meme.

Well they lack humor because they lack a fundamental understanding of reality. All great humor has a light dose of reality which makes it sarcastic, thusly funny.

Memes are funny for this reason. They exploit sarcastic humor in an evolutionary style.

The left is terrified of memes.

Yup. Throw him in a lake. If he sinks, hes pure. If he floats, hes a Nazi.

Honestly though I think that segment of the far left who advocates for inquisitorial justice represents just the average NPC foot soldier. Those seeking political power know it's all subversion for political gain.

Polar bears are dangerous as hell

No thank you

Crazy people

And they can make a killer sandwich

Hehe Vee god damn. Lol


Yeah honestly he had to say something.


Fuck a youtuber for being an attention whore? Well fuck all of YouTube then.

Honestly I think Vee is a bit more clever than Sargon.

I admit, I do like his accent. It's cute ^^. *ducks incoming*


Girls on the internet exist, basement dwellers. ๐Ÿ˜


Show me ur man bobs

You can't handle my jew boobs

Yus. My bobs bring the shekels

Calm down @Scribblehatch. I'm a double double crossing dame.


I'm a triple crossing dame

That's it

*counts on my fingers, pauses... nods*



I would love to see the shonen story arc giving us the background story of oscelot's hand.

Hello NPC master race



Tim pool is alt right. The eternal water buffalo told me so it has to be treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I want the government out of marriage entirely

The left isn't blowing it. Their playbook dictates a campaign of subversion over a long period of time. This is just the beginning.

Too soon



It was because you weren't a lolicon, you were a feminist.

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