
Discord ID: 250343164693446658

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2019-02-08 04:14:03 UTC [Subverse #general]  

speaking of cleaning up images

2019-02-08 04:14:21 UTC [Subverse #general]  

remember the story about the NSA handing out webcam covers?

2019-02-08 04:17:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

found the NSA cover thread, fucking glorious. NSA handed out webcam covers, and they're transparent enough that you can run contrasting algorithms and get actionable images out of it https://twitter.com/EFF/status/1091449476613468160

2019-02-08 04:19:11 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@CasualSailor sooo. is this a case of "niiicee!" ?

2019-02-08 04:20:37 UTC [Subverse #general]  

but, I've been told that whamen can do no wrong

2019-02-08 04:21:05 UTC [Subverse #general]  

and that anyone who are worried about exposing their back to them by doing stuff like mentoring just need to stop being rapists!

2019-02-08 04:23:49 UTC [Subverse #general]  

When I met one they just said they looked forward to seeing what I could do with my talents

2019-02-08 04:24:57 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I'm always amazed at how unimaginative people are when they torture someone. I mean, a standard steel drill, right into the heel. But noo, "rip off his nails, muhahahaha"

2019-02-08 04:28:01 UTC [Subverse #general]  

well, gays aren't stuck with the asymmetries though. It's not as if the cops coming in on a domestic abuse situation will always arrest one instead of the other

2019-02-08 04:29:17 UTC [Subverse #general]  

marriage makes sense as a child-focused arrangement

2019-02-08 04:33:55 UTC [Subverse #general]  

nah, I'm waiting for the mass suicides once twitter echo chambers come to their end state: full blown cultism

2019-02-08 04:34:17 UTC [Subverse #general]  

That'll be a show

2019-02-08 04:36:13 UTC [Subverse #general]  

seriously, SJW social media sites are like cults, only that the cult leader is the decentralized but unified doctrine of intersectionality and victimhood, and the whole system is self-policing. Do a wrongthink and you are attacked, and either have to bend the knee and prostrate yourself to the group for a long time, or you're excommunicated by threat of violence

2019-02-08 04:37:17 UTC [Subverse #general]  

For reals, if you know people who are heavy on the SJW social media, be fucking afraid of them, because next election, they're gonna go apeshit and start killing if things don't start turning around soon

2019-02-08 04:38:03 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Covington could have been a turning point to de-escalate the madness

2019-02-08 04:38:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@CasualSailor where's that from?

2019-02-08 04:39:09 UTC [Subverse #general]  

lucky me, I live in Norway, so I can just watch the world go to shit

2019-02-08 04:39:35 UTC [Subverse #general]  

but you all seem cool, so wanna spread my warning. Seriously, start comparing the social media bubbles to cults. It's scary af

2019-02-08 04:39:54 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I think it varies between 20 to 40%, except cars, which is crazy high

2019-02-08 04:40:31 UTC [Subverse #general]  

25% is the common one

2019-02-08 04:41:32 UTC [Subverse #general]  

15% for food, 12% for hotels

2019-02-08 04:42:10 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Norway is worse on cars, but we have low taxes on electric cars to encourage people to buy those instead

2019-02-08 04:42:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

so, Norway has the most teslas per capita in the world

2019-02-08 04:42:37 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Anyway, I like to call Norway social capitalist

2019-02-08 04:43:17 UTC [Subverse #general]  

yeah, but it has gotten ruined by bernie not having the galls to actually explain it to the US properly

2019-02-08 04:44:01 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I feel that social capitalism is better, because we want capitalism to produce as much as it can, but where there are externalities we need the government

2019-02-08 04:44:40 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I think Castro is a likely outcome, not a disaster, but not good

2019-02-08 04:46:54 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Anyway, I've come to realize that a lot of the reason Norway has done so well, except for the oil ofc, is that we've been damn good in designing systems that work. A pragmatic attitude and putting workable solutions above ideology

2019-02-08 04:47:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

well, you can't count the chinese deaths under mao, that's like comparing protoss to zerg

2019-02-08 04:47:51 UTC [Subverse #general]  

/edge :p

2019-02-08 04:48:47 UTC [Subverse #general]  

they block "guns" among other things

2019-02-08 04:48:58 UTC [Subverse #general]  

which makes it fun to look up MGS4 among other things

2019-02-08 04:50:18 UTC [Subverse #general]  

it's more like 100-200 million that are reasonable to blame on communism

2019-02-08 04:50:41 UTC [Subverse #general]  

half a billion is stretching it to the same degree that those who claim that capitalism is killing millions are stretching it

2019-02-08 04:51:38 UTC [Subverse #general]  

don't include the www.

2019-02-08 04:55:30 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Life is a fatal disease!

2019-02-08 04:57:02 UTC [Subverse #general]  

nah, if you have sex with a feminist, you just end it by saying "it was my priviledge"

2019-02-08 04:57:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

then she curls up into a victim-ball and rolls out

2019-02-08 04:58:05 UTC [Subverse #general]  


2019-02-08 04:58:11 UTC [Subverse #general]  


2019-02-08 04:58:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I should get to bed

2019-02-08 04:58:23 UTC [Subverse #general]  

it's 6 am here

2019-02-08 04:58:46 UTC [Subverse #general]  

f'in ISP messed up my net, can't play anything online....

2019-02-08 05:00:00 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Anyways, take care fellow russian bots

2019-02-08 05:01:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I don't trust anyone, except count dankula's second dog

2019-02-08 05:02:08 UTC [Subverse #general]  

anyway, gn

2019-02-08 18:12:06 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@stedly germany has an insane trade surplus. They're doing fine economically (socially however...)

2019-02-08 18:14:20 UTC [Subverse #general]  

UBI's biggest problem is that the market will just adjust rates to accomodate the new money. So long as real estate is expensive (which it will always be as long as populations increase), all extra money will be swallowed up by the housing market

2019-02-08 18:16:30 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Well, unless you believe in a soul, there's no barrier that exists to implement "pain" for an AI

2019-02-08 18:17:47 UTC [Subverse #general]  

pain is the firing of neurons and the release of certain hormones. It's essentially a "this was bad, don't let the bad thing continue" instruction.

2019-02-08 18:18:01 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I think the better questions is whether AIs can ever develop feelings

2019-02-08 18:18:07 UTC [Subverse #general]  

pain is a subset of feeling

2019-02-08 18:18:18 UTC [Subverse #general]  

if you manage feelings in an AI, pain is managed as well

2019-02-08 18:20:02 UTC [Subverse #general]  

if you believe that there's more to humans than chemicals and electricity, you believe in a soul

2019-02-08 18:20:26 UTC [Subverse #general]  

hover cars is 100% retarded

2019-02-08 18:20:59 UTC [Subverse #general]  

you have to achieve a state of perfect gravitational compensation in order for it not to drain energy like a mofo

2019-02-08 18:21:40 UTC [Subverse #general]  

it's physics @Witan

2019-02-08 18:23:00 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Witan energy is expended whenever a force is applied over a distance. If you have to compensate for gravity, every nanometer the car moves before the hovering mechanism compensates will drain energy. Cars work because they let the ground do that job for them

2019-02-08 18:23:31 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Witan go back to school, I just explained it to you

2019-02-08 18:24:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Witan are you trying to troll? because you're essentially as wrong as the people who believe in flat earth

2019-02-08 18:26:22 UTC [Subverse #general]  

the thing that pisses me off about the "you can't reduce humans to biochemistry" is that the reduction does not invalidate moral philosophy such as holding the individual as sacred

2019-02-08 18:27:28 UTC [Subverse #general]  

okay, invest your money in those companies and call me when you're rich.... oh wait, those things will get banned the moment people hear how fucking loud they are, and that they can only travel short distances and are nothing more than expensive toys

2019-02-08 18:29:16 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Witan the amount of effort you're putting into this is kinda amazing, if only you used that to actually read up on stuff instead

2019-02-08 18:30:50 UTC [Subverse #general]  

well, look up the condition nicknamed "butterfly children"

2019-02-08 18:31:15 UTC [Subverse #general]  

and tell me that if your kid was born with that, would you want it to grow up in perpetual pain, or just end it as soon as possible?

2019-02-08 18:32:16 UTC [Subverse #general]  

there are extremely rare cases where post-birth "abortion" has moral justification. They're fucking rare, but they exist

2019-02-08 18:33:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Witan go back to Epstein's island!

2019-02-08 18:35:57 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@The Ghost of Monarchies ahem, I work for the NS.... yes FBI... yes...

2019-02-08 18:36:50 UTC [Subverse #general]  

the father should have to consent in order to be forced to pay child support, should be allowed to demand a DNA test, and if paying, have the right to see the kids

2019-02-08 18:37:51 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Ranko you need to brush up on biology, sperm cells aren't capable of becoming life no matter what, egg cells actually can become full blown life in some animals

2019-02-08 18:38:06 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Redneo oh yeah, that one was fucked up

2019-02-08 18:38:11 UTC [Subverse #general]  

wasn't it his teacher?

2019-02-08 18:38:52 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Ranko I am autism man! Ruiner of jokes!

2019-02-08 18:40:29 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Witan that article has some nice facts: "The most well-known case was of a Kansas boy who, at age 13, impregnated his 17-year-old baby-sitter. Under Kansas law, a child under the age of 15 is legally unable to consent to sex. The Kansas Supreme Court in 1993 ruled that he was liable for child support."

2019-02-08 18:41:30 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Maybe he should have learned that feminism is on his side, and he shouldn't listen to the evil MRAs!!!!

2019-02-08 18:42:16 UTC [Subverse #general]  

just too bad the MRAs are almost as busy tearing each other apart as they are fighting this bullshit

2019-02-08 18:43:14 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I was a quite high up patreon of the honey badgers a while, and then I realized they were just inverse feminists and told them to go fuck themselves.

2019-02-08 18:44:45 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Redneo I told them that them telling a guy that he's stuck in a relationship with a feminist because she might lie about him in the future, rather than just telling him to walk away from the relationship, is just what the feminists tell women in abusive relationships themselves

2019-02-08 18:47:13 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Ranko I just googled "most premature birth" and got one that was 128 days premature

2019-02-08 18:47:38 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Ranko so, about 4 months early

2019-02-08 18:48:30 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Redneo I would disagree, the west has the quantum superstate women

2019-02-08 18:48:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

women are "empowered" and "victim" at the same time

2019-02-08 18:49:34 UTC [Subverse #general]  

So, while the women in the west will work, etc, they also want all the benefits that were normally bundled with strong gender norms

2019-02-08 18:50:05 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Redneo but they are

2019-02-08 18:51:14 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I really fucking hate the feminist talking points about "gender"

2019-02-08 18:51:57 UTC [Subverse #general]  

because if you actually look at it logically, gender is the mental construct that the brain AUTOMATICALLY PROCUDES FROM EXPERIENCE by correlating biological sex to behaviour

2019-02-08 18:52:28 UTC [Subverse #general]  

e.g. all the most aggressive people I know are men, therefore aggression is a male trait

2019-02-08 18:53:22 UTC [Subverse #general]  

add up all statistical inferences about sex and behaviour correlations, and you have gender

2019-02-08 18:54:46 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@ส‡ooNส‡ooN I'm waiting in excitement what Mixed's objection to my reasoning is

2019-02-08 18:56:32 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@ส‡ooNส‡ooN ah yes, that argument, that talking about gender is a default loss because it separates sex and behaviour artificially

2019-02-08 18:56:41 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I can respect that

2019-02-08 18:57:04 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I'm more interested in taking back the term and just telling feminists to fuck off with it

2019-02-08 18:57:56 UTC [Subverse #general]  

there's not a divorce problem, there's a culture problem causing people to not understand how to live with one another without wanting to kill each other

2019-02-08 18:59:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

ofc, forcing people to stay in marriages might give a slight push towards fixing that culture, but I think the complete demolition of codependence thanks to feminism has to be fixed first.

2019-02-08 19:00:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

that shit is so antithetical to human behaviour that they almost have to be cults

2019-02-08 19:01:26 UTC [Subverse #general]  

polygyny makes sense, accomplished male that has superiour genes that can spread to multiple females. The opposite is impossible

2019-02-08 19:02:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

yep, but if 2/3 of the male population is either enslaved or died in war, then having polygyny works

504 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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