Kristoff Kringle

Discord ID: 699562866130550834

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Thanks, I'm just sad

Day couldn't have started off worse

I mean, I expected it to happen at one point

Account got disabled



"boohoo you said mean words online now we terminate your account"


thing is

I barely say any racist shit online

and if I do it's part of a joke

but hey

it's the Discord team we are talking about

No, they don't give examples

Cause why would they

There's literal leftist groups that expose people for saying mean words on discord

Account didn't get terminated

Which makes things only a little bit easier

since it will be easier to transfer roles

no idea of the prior conversation but there is a good difference between "can be" and are

I did


sorry for the delay

This has happened like 10 times before


I know

Are you Orthodox now?

Oh, that's nice

What made you change?


"haha you're schismatic"

"no u"


Next religion is the religion of peace


they really dont have anything to do

im having an online lesson rn

my teacher is talking about discrimination against asian people because of COVID-19

what redpill should I drop on the class

i've already dropped one but the teacher moved on lol

had no chance

teacher didn't let us speak, muted us


she talked about the great replacement before

i thought that was based

but now she's a WHO loving china cuck


I only talk when I'm asked really

She did say that before

Like a few months back

Now she likes the WHO and worries about anti-asian discrimination

dunno what's gotten into her


based based based based


my biggest leftist teacher is my history teacher

talks about racial discrimination like every fucking lesson it's starting to piss me off lol

she probably does ngl

talked about the lower classes and shit

did you heckle her

or drop a massive redpill

I've figured out a good way to do it

hold on a sec

im having an online lesson rn, about to finish

so first, always be calm and collected, this should go for any debate

Start off light, give your most moderate opinion and appear like you are on their side

Don't just drop the redpill instantly or you'll be shut down

You have to warm them up for the idea first

You're not only speaking to the teacher, so try and get student support through your idea

another reason for the "warmup"

Then, you deviate slowly and then drop the redpill

Don't accentuate it though, make it seem like the conversation keeps flowing

They'll register it in their head but you're still going, so they don't have time to respond

I've done this plenty of times

Basically redpilled most of the class

We don't have that in our school, our school doesn't like to discuss politics

In fact, it's not even allowed


Not really

PMP is I guess what you could call "right-wing"

You cannot argue with people who wish for your death

@NIX Also hey what's up

I'm making an ultra-capitalist party in Mauritsia

You in Maurits?

you should probably join

We need any help we can get

yeah ik

we got it covered


high effort trolling

Communism by itself needs to be totalitarian

It's a authoritarian ideology, there is no way to distribute income and own the means of production through any other way than through the apparatus of the state

Anarcho-communism is the stupidest ideology ever

Because in practice, even in an ideal society where human nature doesn't exist, it would be impossible to put it into practice

It could happen however through voluntary contribution, which is why I hate anarchism so much

Because voluntary contribution doesn't work

If we have 10 factory workers who agree that they all get paid the same, but let's say some of them do more work than others, if there's no state to threaten them they will ask for more

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