๐Ÿ›  CommunistGod ๐Ÿ› 

Discord ID: 351891748286496777

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This is also part of the plan


They have Anime and Funny yellow dog

Forgot about this fun cast of characters


Magatards backstabbed by their Mighty God Emperor


No racism and antisemitism plz
It's against TOS


<:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145>

Trust the plan

Please remove :pog: mods
It's a hate symbol for right wing extremists

Mods denied his appeal in the appeals server


Rest in peace king


I welcome our Chinese overlords with open arms

Glory to the CCP


I will live and work in the labor camps
While you are put against a wall
Glory to China and CCP

I love Xi Jinping

TRS moment


Can't believe the mods didn't unban ncSTL#2951

Miss @ncSTL#2951 so much

@blanco what about the Estrogen?

Transformers is gay

Did you take your estrogen @spicy sauce ?

Real music

Best song of all time


All these political grifters crying crocodile tears over the Officer that died is pathetic


Give it to me instead


I will stop the election fraud just give me $500


Give me your $600 stimmy guys
And I will release the kraken and all the Democrats will go to prison for election fraud and Trump will be declared king emperor for eternity

Two scoops
One term


The Media did a good job convincing the majority of Americans into feeling pitty for politicans making over 200k annually while doing absolutely nothing for the American people


Don't slander my homeboy Kanye like that


Kanye deserves better @spicy sauce

He needs a black queen

Assad wins in the end


Going to Jeffrey Star's mansion be like


This is how Jeffrey star and his kid are going to look like


This thing is awesome
Kamala better get that $2k stimmy ready


He lost

Two scoops
One Term

Get some help
The early stages of Schizophrenia are starting to show

Trump literally betrayed you and his supporters
And you still think this is part of the super secret 10D chess plan @Una#0001



Trump is turning you Schizophrenic @Una

Get some help

Before it's too late

Stupid Magatards shoud've raided the Capitol Building when McConnell denied us our $2k stimmy


I completely abandoned my genshin impact account
Shoud've sold it before I quit
Would've made easy money


Reached lv43 before the first big update could've made some good money selling the account to some degenerate weebs


I wasted so many hours on that Chinese game


They are cool

Ban @Una for being a schizophrenic magatard

You still believe *The Plan* @Una



Trust the P-Plan guys T-Tr-Trump still has a chance


<:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145>

Who cares he's leaving in 12 days anyway

We need a Channel for all the Schizophrenics

I want to see a study confirming that there was a spike of diagnosed schizophrenics during Trump's term

Trump is the leading cause of Schizophrenia

Trust the plan

<:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145> <:wall_of_text:756586847844696145>

How January 20th is going to look for magatards


Do you Trust the plan @Huma_Abedin?



Magatards could've wrote their own Declaration of independence while inside the Capitol Building but just wondered around and took photos


*Magatards when BLM kills a cop:* N-No you can't do that not all cops are bad <:cryingbugman:738000461386350653> <:cryingbugman:738000461386350653> <:cryingbugman:738000461386350653>
*Magatards when one of their own kills a cop:* based redpilled blackpilled based <:bugman:689862457493160028> <:bugman:689862457493160028> <:bugman:689862457493160028> <:bugman:689862457493160028>


Magatards went from worshiping the police to hating them just as much as the leftists


Who's going to buy all my Blue Lives Mater hats and shirts now


I'm going to become a right wing political grifter on Twitter easy money


The political grifters in 2016-2018 made so much money telling the naive boomers that Russia stole the election


New business idea


Giant block of soy @spicy sauce



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