Nicholas J Fuentes

Discord ID: 320312327595491330

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How was broseph involved

where the catboys at


Where the <@&426549219164160000> 's at



no u

lanius this joke never gets old

You okay catboy



Wow k

What happened to him



How can I sleep when Our Evropan Race is dying

You donโ€™t need sleep when youโ€™re 250 IQ

Canโ€™t close my eyes without getting wistful or anxious or angry

I watched it after

Whoa so edgy

You guys are really edgy

These tents in houses are making me sad

@everyone IMPORTANT: I'd like to start putting out a weekly highlight reel for America First with the best/funniest/most memorable clips from the week, so please help me by submitting to me the timestamps for your favorite clips during or after the show in the "live show talk" channel!!!

@everyone Hey folks, I'm going to try to start putting out a weekly highlight reel of the best/funniest/most memorable moments from the weeks shows. please help by sending timestamps for your favorite clips in this channel during or after the show

hey was the audio/video not synchronized last night?

im watching rn and the audio/video is wack

ah nvm its me

just checked on my phone

hey who should i have on the show tn

call in show tonight bubbies

Oof banned

Anybody else want to slander my family?

My Hispanic ancestors fought in the Mexican Revolution

With Pancho Villa

Yeah my Mexican side came over before the invasion

They were just alcoholics pretty sure


Idk my family has a lot of mental illness, theyโ€™d probably just be spazzing out on the sideline

Yeah broseph

Thatโ€™s a big reason why i dont drink

Just asking for trouble honestly

Thatโ€™s epic

So weird how the America First show has so many international fans

But thatโ€™s okay, I like it

Everything in moderation

Except SIN

Ah makes sense



**womp womp**

what should jf and i talk about tonight

who is this low iq homosexual


we're trynaa play a game here

@Joe the boomer love u buddy but we're tryna gamee rn

bruh ive been in general all week

Womp womp


Look at this fag

@everyone call in show starts in 15


yanimda is a friend of mine from college who made the trumpwave theme song

not a lot of ppl watching jf tn i wonder whats goin on

very few last night and also tn

my numbers have been down somewhat too

wonder what the deal is

unironically think we're being throttled


nibber with a hard r

good song

okay i gotta put some pants on now

@everyone hey where are my Chicago nibbas at?




@everyone call in show begins soon!

>ppl begging to get Leo on the show
>calls in
>gets owned

โ€œUhhhh akchually our religion is diluted to just two things and thatโ€™s a *good thing*โ€


If itโ€™s not Catholicism itโ€™s not right

East Orthodox is the most legit besides Catholic

>fashioning religion after politics


Donโ€™t wait too long!

Never know when the Son of Man will return

@dirt flakes have fun in hell buddy lol

Check out Catholic Answers, they give great recs on a subject by subject basis

But Iโ€™d start with anything Chesterton

@dirt flakes official position of the Catholic Church is against homosexuality

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