Discord ID: 268488092283961347
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@Tea found it. A user was parsing a Cyrillic char through and we don't have anything to stop that apparently
Company has old style systems that can only cope with a European character set
Some of our tools are written in foxpro
I'm aware of how archaic everything is
Don't even
A couple of a the team have only just got dual core pcs
It's a CRM system
So subject to all the new GDPR and Eu data protection rules
Looking for a way outta here
Hard brexit will fuck us
We need shit loads of new licenses and crap to send data over to Russia
We will be transferring EU data stored outside of the EU to another site outside of the EU
If our servers got DDoSd we'd actually go under
We'd have to close. We have a company that works very close with the Government so fines and reparations would be HIIIIIIIGH
Here's what's shit
Just down the road from me is Cambridge
And they're science parks are kitted the fuck out
Big pharma companies, people working on advanced rendering software for games consoles and simulating massive geographical events
It sucks that I'm a stone's throw away from good shit
A melt is someone who's a bit moist
No red heads
Unga bunga swede
Norway > Sweden
And you're all rape bait
I know who id rather ve
Round the corner and up your ass
Search real deep
It should be next to the smegma from a Norwegians benis
It's not really martial law
Watched shrek 2 yesterday
That shit is edgier than this discord
Giant retarded gingerbread man called mongo
Holy balls that's an invasion force
Some people, crazy people,might say that they are making a hard brexit look like the apocalypse so that people will vote to stay in a second referendum
I'll probably just get sleet
Shitty Fen weather
@Deleted User Fens
It's the flat marshland that the Dutch sorted out so it didn't flood non stop
In east anglia
Just think yourself lucky you're not from Wales
Oh damn aha
The weather is crap there though
Any southerners here?
Pass the gravy
@SuitGuy where ya from
Married is best
I'm only fucking around
I've never slept with or hit on a girl in a relationship, let alone married
A baby
I was technically raped
I was 15 she was 17
Candy is for pedos
Fuck yes
You'd be disappointed if you saw one now
They are funsize now
Bit nippy todat
Why did it get yeeted?
I'm 175 lbs
Bruh I'm fat xD
Just a manlet with webbed feet
Ass is Ambrosia?
Is there a soft core channel?
I.just wanted to know if there was an area to post tasteful nudes
There you go lads, here is the flat land I live on.
Ooooo boi I might be getting a 1998 Lagavulin 16 this year
Fuckin hyoed
Smokey whisky is my favourite
Whisky is Scottish. Whiskey is irish and American and Japanese
Try Nikka from the barrel it's hells good
You don't sound like a fag
JD tastes a bit like airfix glue
Jim beam is better than JD because Jim beam is an actual bourbon
Bourbon is whiskey
Bourbon is a corn whiskey from a particular location
Whiskey is a mad place with no rules. Whisky is the good stuff
So you like overpriced blended whisky
@Tea ciroc?
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