
Discord ID: 403280929826668551

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*Walks into chat* So i heard someone had loli

Imagine gettin called a pedo over a drawing


@Blue Word Wise Is that a Cs:go map?

Ah ic

It do be like that Cap

Still legal

I mean, i dont

I just like watching/loli

who said it was lewd, smfh

No clip to the U.S gun armory


Your not wrong

But its still fun as hell

Zombies wouldnt last 3 weeks in the us, They all would get gunned down

Who said it was military grade tho

Who says i dont got a 12 gauge in storage

Fully auto weapons are hard to control

Well, depends on which ones

You dont have to lewd lolis, u can just like them. Stop assumin people fap to loli when they just like the character

you mean a contridiction (I cant spell for shit) @doormat?

*Gets the Kakyion button*

*gets away from the Kakyoin button*

F, thats just F to u good sir

Why they gotta hit Iggy tho

Yare, get the ceaser button?

@s8n Airstrike my good man


Im finna King Crimson someone that talks shit bout Jojo

Jojo > Sao you dumb fucks

Yall ever just get your hair done to flex in Josuke part 4

Yare, would you face Josuke part 4 or Josuke part 8?

Aqua is useful, she can distract while you snipe, *plus dem thighs*

@Reptrd Id fight part 4 just to be able to roast his hair

It would be a fitting end to a warrior

Scope has a point, John Wickโ€™s stand is The Emperor

@ๅŒชๅพ’ Thats a Rip Maโ€™am

Expose em, do it

True, but get it to your best friend soon

They prob havent

people be cheatin like its the math finals

I mean, it may be common, but there is still a chance he cheating

Press him on it, if he starts to choke up, you caught em

Press him on it, if he starts to choke up, you caught em

Press him on it, if he starts to choke up, you caught em

Yall see this one mf that kissed his irl mom for views


Who did you crash the control panne..

Its not about how long the blade is, its about how u use it

Size only matters if that bitch is gaping wide

The shit that is on reddit scars me sometimes

4โ€™9 is smol, its tiny, its cute

Id just want a girl taller than me


Yes, this chat is made out of chat


*When you got 2 weeks of school left and youโ€™re failing 2 classes* <:thinkingdie:304069382831734784>

@Space Damn right


uh oh..


Top 10 anime plot twists


The UN tried to ban lolis/ Shotas

Japan, USA, and Austria: **See, whats finna happen is**

I didnt expect Austria to not start a war from a small thing

Its the place that started both world wars

They finally didnt start a war

Iโ€™d side with Austria.

@Deleted User Wait, u fr?


Thats a F and a L

As long as u say no homo, u good

Also, new pokedex leaks came out yesterday

for pokemon sword and shield

On my pride as a weeb, leaks on the pokedex came out and Dunsparce is gettin an Evo

Dunsparce is finally not useless

@Myรธsotฤฑs One of the new pokemon is called tntiny

a new pokemon for Pokemon Sword and Shield

fuck is Onision


Tf, skits?

People still do those?

Imagine being projared

ProJared is a discount Doctor Disrespect


Mans got fucked

Who would win, Bill Cosby or Cardi B

das tuff

That save tho

using || on both sides

anywho, ima go grind on Legends and FGO.

>_> for which tho

its || not |

||Imagine getting banned for saying the nword, couldnt be me||

Quick question, the fuck is a circle jerk



See, i regret asking for this information, but thank u Cookie

Who here has a jalter i can use to grind Onigishima <:Megupuke:237207620820140053> <:pepehype:585734745590333460>

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