my weng

Discord ID: 328976750048444416

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The virgin is active

@Alex I guess oh you here too

Go yeet ur meat

@vivid dreams Kiss on your dick

@Alex I guess and where is my hello

@Alex I guess no I don't need it anymore, I don't need you anymore

@vivid dreams true that, you are the only one

@Trolliburton come to me and I'll give you food

Alex stfu

Fight me

Ok lets go

Alex get ur ugly ass up and find a girlfriend

Well I also don't know what ara ara is

@vivid dreams yeye, today ?

@vivid dreams don't do it, you need the money

You don't have the money for that

With the money you can come to me and I can be ur body pillow

@Alex I guess I don't know, I can't try it

@vivid dreams thinking bout that already turns me on

I need someone in my life who can love me

@vivid dreams you will buy me nitro right

@Alex I guess no, we messed up <:why:584158660272324619>

@vivid dreams true that

No u

I'm always right and you wrong

@Alex I guess @vivid dreams then go get a nap

@Alex I guess come here and get a nap with me

@vivid dreams can I remind you that it's already morning ?

@Alex I guess idc I'm a lonely bitch

Ok I'm just lonely

@Alex I guess oh my Tf- this doesn't matter, I'm still lonely and I still want a bf

@vivid dreams y winter?

@Alex I guess yes I do


@Alex I guess stfu he belongs to Anita

@Alex I guess <:wtf:581449283841294336>

@Alex I guess wth no, he disgustรครครครคng and mean

@vivid dreams gurl wtf xdd

@Alex I guess <:thinkingdie:304069382831734784>

@Alex I guess still love you


No need to explain

@Alex I guess Maybe when we're talking

@Alex I guess dunno I have time, so depends on you

Akeno senpai make me nut

@Alex I guess not now, I'm too lazy to talk

It is

Boobs are like men's tits

Who doesn't

Onesies are weird

I wish I had a pocho

What's the difference between Wendy's and those other fast food chains

I've never been to Wendy's sooo

I only know McDonalds, KFC and BurgerKing

Germany sucks

Why do ppl sexting

I don't get it





Have sweet dreams bout me

@the taken king I agree on that

Ichigo sucks

Kokoro is a bitch, she did Futoshi dirty

How to get a bf

@Deleted User I nEeD LoVE

Vivi go Off

You need your nap

@Deleted User wait are you a dude or a gurl?

@Zombie listen to some music

@Deleted User oh well I thought you're a girl lol

10:57 am here lolol

Y'all should go to sleep

It's time for me to get up lol

@KecerXiKDM you can, just listen to music or cuddle smth

@KecerXiKDM ur blanked or pillow ?


Drink a cup of hot milk or something

Drink milk to get tall

Oh my

I'm 5'4

Y tf ya guys so tall


Kinda want to join vc but my English sucks

Y do I have to live in ugly germany

Go to sleep

Sleep for clean skin and no acne


Big hands big pp

Y'all need some sleep

@AnonymousHacker79 gimme the thing

@AnonymousHacker79 disappointment

To expensive

I don't shit money

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