
Discord ID: 513155391937314824

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No way

Un true

Thats just what they front on instagram and other forms of social media to confuse you sheeple

ZA warudo

Well you see theres this thing called a invite link

but if you really wana be exclusive then i dont fuking know


Well (runs back into bush)

I bet 200 dabloons i wont die form eating 50

True but u are gey cause u fell for it

Ohhhhhhhhh crap thats tru

Were talking big stuff here

I own a very very very well known profitable website. Its filled with porn and small children

Excuse me ma' am hello are you still there

Dont worry these lolis are 1000

The childish look is just for those who fund it

Really well let me introduce you to nsfw patreon

May or may not have 99.999% furries

It makes your wallet and your balls feel empty

Actually under the fair use and copyright act that is very much illegal

Ohhh ignore all that

@Deleted User your secret is safe vladimir putin

Hail hydra


Too deep?

Smash is actually the easiest to finesse to the max. I main Ridley of course

Holy crap how did u know my name

No cap i saw that and almost shit myself

Good thing its not my night terrors. I dont think this world would have been ready for dream me.

@Deleted User What do you want ill give you anything? My Alliegence My money My sister Our Son

Oh k

Sup my sofa King

My Hopes and dreams spoke to me one day i thought I was dead. I was just hallucinating from whole body cancer.

Yes i too feel better knowing the people i chat with shoot the jiss and out u is to the same pinup

Umm asuma

Naruto or old Joseph joestar

from jojos bizzare advaenture

NP My captain go do what 30000000 people tried and failed misarably at

Typical Teen binge watching anime and talking on discord

That one time i was reincarnated as a slime is good

Ohh and a good place to watch anime with no ads virus and 1080p is animekisa

Whats sleep i only do controlled Piss breaks eat my spam ration in the middle of space

Screw routine

Infinity because we will make water by separating hydrogen and adding it to oxygen to make dihydrogen monoxide

That is water.


Mind reading?

You can see the zootopia porn i know you can

Is it just me or has pewdiepie forsaken the holy gaming templar and went straight tp memes

i mean like it used to be horror and stuff

wow wow wow

Now I'd like to say that there are more sus things out there so compared to horse scat loli and shota aint shit. Literally and figuratively unless these kids are mad weird and aren't a billion years old.

Nsfw mind break, huh did i say something my mistake

ohh so in other words youd hate my uncle

what classifies as a working uterus

Wow little @Deleted User was not aware girls like hentai too

How absolutely relatable

My good sir the world is a strange place but girls roam all around this realm

See I dont reallt judge people on that ever since this one girl turned out to be my late cousin who is definatly not a girl.

I will never die

thx to my stand ZA warudo

@Holy Lord Of Dynamite I hope you exterminate a small country with your absolutly amazing name.

See thats the thing, What you just said does not exist @r!nrin Female orgasms are a myth

Please O lord shield my eyes from this text

@Jesus_Chan see thats the thing they dont and thats the best part about it

Your screaming and shes screaming but its for different reasons and she will never know why

Hold up theres someone in my house

Omg it was a squirrel @An Asian ur right the fbi is here

Bruh Riley Reid ain't got shit on HH

ur late

I already nut in my cereal sock.

That lowkey happends tho

MLP futa killed me

I will forever be scarred by BlackJrxiii

Why is teh bot BAnning teh people. teh system cumfuze meh

@Zonic Sorry i cant i use vaccinces


Chat got made silent

@Schlenkrat I choose to not be apart of the republican - democratic bianary that is absolutly stupid

Bruh nooo

Ok @Schlenkrat that i can stand by

Up top ๐Ÿ–

@Deleted User you wont have to wait for long

"Za Warudo" - UI Dio

No It means we die and go to "Hentai Heaven"

Get it

Well if this were a gerph drawing that would be me

Id think the chat can handle 5 second me

im just saying i dont want to Viotale any Spam Laws our overlords put in place

HH must be a nightmare for people with Erectile Dysfunction

@Deleted User your next words are going to be I managed to stay near him just a little more so he cna harras me

This is giving me NCIS vibes

It's Great I don't leave out my house without my rectal cork to keep the baddies out.

What you guys had Dirt bikes

I was lucky to have a Dirty Bike

Wow someone of importance has spoken

Hello person with a colored name.

All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others, the basis of true leftist communism


@phlorฤsic Though art no match for the 200 pound all american guy pulling a plane

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