
Discord ID: 325090777849921537

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That's what im saying

Weird. Definitely doesn't in florida

Also i thing we need to back up.

So u mention ur a girl and someone asked you to watch what?


Lol, do it. And make fun of their minuscule load. Ruin it for them.

Shit ill do it. Dm me mr jizz video man.



@Fiction-RS wow buddy


All i can hear i my head is Microsoft sam * hah you call that an orgasm ha ha ha ha.*

Bruh. U might wanna go look at those.

Then broke it? 🤔



In my butt

I need some advice.

@ramen noodles i have a penis.


Did i just at everyone that?!?!?! How

Yes. Yes. Everyone down. <:smug3:299288528657973258>

Now i warn you my penis is quite the disappointment.

Imagine a twizzlers. But like the length of a blow pop

I'm gonna rub someones big throbbing shoulders so hard.

Rice cakes.


Depressed, alone, sad, and so willing to eat a churro in bed at 4 am


9pm plz

@Santa Bruno only when i think of you

One time a girl wouldn't leave the morning after so i offered her cereal and poured the milk first. Worked like a charm.

Found the mobile user.^^^

Dm me to see my rack.

@Dyson good

I need.



Y'all are a bunch of E-Girls.

@vivid dreams UwU. I don't even kno what it means.

I put the D in Depression. <:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305>

I hope everyone has kept thier pp's out of water bottles after last nights discussion.

Good evening weirdos!

Lol it's like a new group every night.

1:41am for me

@Soltic I'll ping you so hard bby


Anyone collect pins?

Annnd I'm going to bed now.

Bye bye

Look at you. Ya bunch of weebs.

@Myøsotıs where'd u get my emote <:Megu:237037638320652290>


@PurpleMonkey72 poo poo stains suck

@あなたよりも良いです i feel personally attacked rn

Let it be noted, @あなたよりも良いです said i got a big pp.<:pepehype:585734745590333460>

I wanna use my globals <a:PepeCryARiver:542341046705848341>

I am talk?<:thonk:277109333375057931>

My coworker has a glass case full.... in his room

Because they, and i quote "look badass"

He says he doesnt use the.

Just owns them


Time to go put flies in my pp
<:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804>

@ur mom gae of what?


Well u got thighs and we are weebs so


I pay nitro


Sleep sleep time. Cum cuddles me.

@CHKN You have summoned me.

Woah woah. Banned for what?

That's sketch af

I nevver even saw that dude talk and he got smited tf out.


Oh. I always forget this cord is full on porn.

This is the only room ii enter cuz someone is always talking



<a:chikashake:557558868503166990> ew i got poo on me.

Cant wait to watch

@MinderJahrig all fun and games till you yank the tail and she shits herself. Then you gotta call hotel staff and they kick you out with only a partial refund

She asked me to.



Fap fap fap

Annnnd release.


You don't like tennis?

Ever wonder if someone is taking a ahit while typing to you?

Wonder no more.

I am.

@Zombie poop brothers!

Oh. Well.

Wanna blowjob?

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