
Discord ID: 325090777849921537

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<:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305> <:HH:232273128019984395>

Did someone say tiddies?

I am offended my nitro emotes don't work here. Smh


@n00b gold cards?

Wdym? Just chimed in

What gold cards?

You mean those old burger king ones?


@roach that's what they do though?



@Scrim done


Fuck if i know

I like pins

I didn't knonur moms name was water?!


I approve that link

Pasta la vista bitches

Woah buddy


@Deleted User what does ur name say?


@Deleted User one of us.

@Scrim how about the fictitious gag master of lolis



```No U.```

@the taken king pretty kinky urself?



<:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804> <:Melmas:581460795833974804>

I litterally just sighed

This is distasteful, gnyt ppl.

Imagine having a healthy breakfast.

Imagine cats

Lol who got dunced

What? Nincompoop?

Lol all i can think of is the south park episode.

You nagger

Deez nuts

@annie i see you are a black belt.


I'll spoon you. No homo.



Any1 wanna be my friend?

@Deleted User how'd u do the cat?

@Deleted User so do i, but they don't work here

They work everywhere but this server

Ah. I'll live without.

Anni is a trap <:mikuSmug:292519062263693324>

I dm'd still no pp yet

Florida here

I love ur mom too



Don't the chopsticks get expensive?

The muffin man that prays on human souls?

I'm not gay, it was a girls penis.

I've got a big scar on my chin, i tripped and fell on a bottle of sweet tea


Why do i keep seeing loli discussions when I open this chat...

Y'all need to stop being pedo's




Nothing grey about it my dude

But she said she's 8000 yeara old xD


What happens?

Icky loli stuff?



No more loli stuff

@Trolliburton idk bout that. I had furry roommates shit was pretty gay. Lol

Never will i ever forget taking a nap on the couch and waking up to my roommate hopping by in a bunny suit shaking a margarita.


Yes, boku no Pico is good.


Never stick a flaccid penis in a water bottle. Next thing you know ur dicks stuck.

Hey man. Just looking out for y'all

See. Blood goes in make pp big. But blood can't go out cuz pp tight in bottle now. So pp get stuck.

@Oimate ok.👌

@あなたよりも良いです I'm sorry, y'all have an even worse problem.

2 words

Boob sweat.


I mean. I do have one large issue when it comes to the life of females.

*clears throat* WHY DO FEMININE PRODUCTS HAVE TAX?! like yall don't get to choose if that happens.

Water doesn't.

Lots of food doesn't


We don't tax water or groceries here

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