
Discord ID: 433220413389144064

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ok I know i'm really late to the party but i'm happy to be back, our beloved HH is home

I require F I L T E R S

Give me F I L T E R S Mr salesman

The surface is dangerous Mr salesman

F I L T E R S are necessary


This do be a bruh moment

But do you sell F I L T E R S @Fiction-RS

Ok, this may sound stupid, but what the hell is a bonestock supra


I understan

Damn I was going to do a JoJo bit

Eh, whateva

Import cheap Soviet cars, Russia's economy needs assistance

I know what it tastes like, @Nani?!... this taste... is the taste of a SoyBoy

you guys want to see an alligator with butterflies in it

Fuck nvm

I forgot about the permissions

The abyss is the best place to be

im fucking tired and i can't sleep, someone tell me a stupid joke

thank you



@the taken king sure im up to fuck

sounds like a jojo stand

wait u can make fleshlights

why the fuck didn't i know this

you should not trust me with that trade

i work with clay not silicone

ok good luck @Deleted User


idk what to say

it looks good

dick and balls

hey you guys like dick and balls

it's 1 in the morning

for me

@INFINITE Gio depend on the cost

i can sell you mine

@INFINITE Gio it's not nude my guy

@INFINITE Gio i can sell you the cover but not the pillow



@INFINITE Gio miku i think

the vocaloid

you can pay in cash if you come pick it up@INFINITE Gio

just dm me for details

i live in the USA

east coast specifically


ok so im selling a body pillow

i already did that

i physically can't nut anymore because hormone therapy

guys who but quick @Nuthun

dzhen dobry @Mom welcome to hell

i never n u t


@Mom i'm tired

the flood has arrived

@Fade agreed

i like how it's 2 in the morning and i'm talking to people on a hentai server while cuddling my body pillow


imagine being awake at all

ok im going to sleep love you all goodnight

anyone want to join me in minecraft bois

phil swift's real name is philliam swiftular

ok goodbye

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