dan4041 twin

Discord ID: 373183460531240980

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oh frick this isnt the minecraft mod section

In <#283771703836934154> ,if you go up, there is someone called "Deleted User"

Who's that person?

The guy who could post in <#283771703836934154>

Sorry Brad

Gricking autism correctional

Auto correct

Happy birthday

We b going to Maryland

W h a t t h e



I think someone posted an underage character



Oh frick

Sorry to ping the entire role

Someone may have posted underage


No like it looks like a child

Like 13 or 15

Let me find


The one postedby Saixon

I'm on the phone rn so I can't type that fast

Oh ok, sorry abt that

It looks like a girl who is 14

Y'all ever just live to flex on dead people

ping me if you live to flex on dead people only ๐Ÿ˜Ž epic game moments

ill take your MOMS GIRLFRIEND to bed

and feed her breakfast in bed because im a nice male

lmao tru tru man @Rhokles

my dad told me my girlfriend looks like his mom

yall ever just clog the toilet with your excrement

hold on- to prove someone wrong, if it looks underage it is underage in terms of hentai

ok i guess nobody will answer me ๐Ÿ˜ค ๐Ÿ‘Œ

If you ever think your life is bad, just remember, somewhere out there, a 100 year old tree was turned into a Justin Bieber diary.

i remember one time me and the boys played roblox on the chromebook and i got detention

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