
Discord ID: 199448785112399872

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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Shes fingering my boothole

No you're just gay

No it didn't you edgy cunt

Jk sorry I'm under the influence

O fucked your mum

Sorry I didnt mean that happy mothers day

Dirty cunt doesn't shower

Once a week doesn't count

@Deleted User really really


Butt fuck it

Man wtfs

Got Instadeletededed

Atleast it ain't a floridian retard

I had Mexican neighbours but they for deported

@Zero Two I feel sorry for you

@Zero Two <:thinkernet:290765759892684800>

@lana yeah but use your white voice on the phone

@lana cant be to careful tho, tho I might here your nana doing the salsa and deport you instead <:notlikemiyu:294962456197857281>

And that made 0 sense

Hmm so I guess that words illegal

@lana hmm you even know the word for grandma....*dials ICE*

NTr is the worst tho

That man should pimpslap her

How could you not have sex while pregnant?

Average guy is like 6 inches, that wont hit the baby

I heard heaps of couples have sex while pregnant and it's fine, your parents probably fucked heaps while they was preggo

It is okay yall just dumb

I mean not dumb but like retarded but not retarded

Damn son

31 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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