
Discord ID: 301702440498102282

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@Deleted User
I think you shouldn't be in the hentai community if you're just going to shame the followers of the tags.

@Deleted User I'm down.

I can be your steam boat if you wanna go on a cruise.

*OwO has entered the chat*

*Hentai with Senpai*

@OamTheGoat A very red loli.

@Deleted User You're me, but future me? But not red? But cute?......*help*

I hear Ant man did a real number on your bum @kanna kamui

*war, war never changes*

@OamTheGoat *Got the gas? It's been years*

@OamTheGoat *Yes papa*

@Deleted User *Goats Gas has got some food, come on by and get a fill up!*

I want my loli tag back! ***Rawr XD***

*I dunno how to respond*

***Rawr XD***

*we need reason, in America that fiction be legal*

*loli is just a child like appearance not age*

*now how about a loli who is also a squid?*

***This community be Rawr'n and XD'n***

*HH lord make a pol, squid or octopus*

***OwO has defeated Thanos***

*Why are we here....it's all worthless, why do we fight?*

***Jack The Ripper, will let a rip!***

*Am I welcome here?*

*Even lolis?*

@Deleted User ***Yeth!***

*Don't lewd me!*

*Someone get me my own title, "Anti-Loli-Lewd"*

*gimme another loli and I'll allow it*

@DragonRealms ***Choo Choo***

***No lewd tho***

***Sad to say, I have to go, I want the "Ant-Loli-Lewd" force up when I'm back, don't fail me***

@Grossadmiral Bob Ross ***Uhhhhhhh.........Gotta bounce!***

***No lewd!***

***Gtg wuv you guys!***

@Yasuki ***Me***

@HornetCriper(bruh-gang) *Eat lots of pineapple and it's like a pinacolata*

***Mr BlueSky!***

*Chad is me, but future me...I'm still figuring it out*

*Young Chad is Rad!*

***Karma has entered the chat***

***R/place tried killing the Bronies, The Void will rise and so will Kenneth***

*Who has the highest rank? And what rank are they?*

@Deleted User Who has the highest rank? And what rank are they?

***I'm too curious!***

***No lewd ing the Foxy future me!*** @Deleted User

***HH has Left the Chat***

***Ban Hammer has Joined the Chat***

***Merch has Joined the Chat***

***and a sha la la la la la la***

*I best Loli, Ant-Loli-Lewd Wee Woo!*

@veenus Incest, Ahegao, Cosplay

@veenus Ahegao



@Buu ***Racial Slurs and Homosexual Insults detected and Possible and Purposeful Anger / Drama Detected***

@Jordan276 ***I thought 5tb was average...***

@Kamui_Tsubaki ***Good, Discussion over***

@dolan ***No, Wee Woo!***

@Grossadmiral Bob Ross ***Only Patted, We like Pats, No Lewd ing though! WEE WOO***

@Colum ***Yeth***

@Mom ***My picture is me, I is young Chad and I'm Rad***

@MorseCodeIsGay ***WEE WOO***

@Grossadmiral Bob Ross ***Anti Lewd Gun Charging Stand Down!***

***Bois charge your Anti-Pedo Weapons!***


@Flippy ***Yes they are***

@Flippy ***Yeth***

@Sprinkles ***Join The Ant-Loli-Lewd Crew***

@Colum *opinion on Loli?*

@Colum *Join us in the Anti-Loli-Lewd Communit*

@Kamui_Tsubaki *Join us Yuki*

@Kamui_Tsubaki *Anti-Loli-Lewd*

@Kamui_Tsubaki *Well.....there isn't one but one can be made.*


@Haezzzzz ***Join the Anti-Loli-Lewd community***

@Deleted User ***Join the Anti-Loli-Lewd Community***

@StarvinMarvin It is simply A tiny community. We love HH

*Loli is afraid of ban hammer*

*Ban hammer scary*

*Am I Safe?*

@Yasuki ***I Do***

*Should we report him...*

@TGI ***Bye Bye***

@Yasuki ***Me?***


***Can young Chad get friended by big Chad?*** @Deleted User

@Chad Thundercock *I'm a Victim!*

@Myรธsotฤฑs *Not in the US*

Anyone know why Kazuma_the_loli_thief#2519 was banned?

Will I get in trouble for asking a mod why a specific person was banned?

@Myรธsotฤฑs Know who I should ask?

100 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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