The A okay person

Discord ID: 214898442617618434

72 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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why am i on hentai haven again

i thought this would be funny as a joke

but now i feel confused and scared

am i even allowed to be in this discord

uhhhh law in my state says 17 is old enough

im not a minor anymore

i typed in someones dms but i got kicked out

hey guys everyone below a gay

DM me if your a girl wink

Personbelow gay

I'm a girl dummy

I have no dick

I'm a girl looking for other girls to DM me

God a problem?

Lmao girls have negitive penis size

Enjoy that fact

Over population is destroying the world but gay people slow down over population so its okay

Gay equal okay

Xx red colonies on other plants are a solurion

Its very easy to stop over population once you leave earth

I need some lesbian girl to DM ms

You dont

Send DMS if lebsian girl plz yes OK

hey guys

aww i can't shit post here

vist shit posting btw

whom the fuck @ me


send yuri to my dms

send yaoi im blocking you faster then you can say OH NO GAY

please don't send yaoi

as a lesbian i don't need yaoi

someone dm me yuri tho

when you get people to dm its always better yuri being dmed

dm me if you need gifs

rip no one needs my porn gifs


just like regular like shirtless girls

dm me if you need porn gifs

im boredo


what is our mission

@Tropixz he called for avenagers im making A JOKE

hey guys

dm me some yuri

people sent yuri is better then yuri section

@skUwU i don't have a dick .-.

im a girl ;-;

im going to smash my head against the wall now and eat pizza in depressiion

and its cold pizza too

not even warm

Message me of toy have yuri

You have yuri

anyone mind dming em yuri

send yuri to my dms

hey guys

who is into girls lmao

dm me for hot gifs

person below gay

dm if you need if you want some hot gifs of girls

72 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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