
Discord ID: 354931957445951490

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Wait wat

is It Gay if i Jerk off to my Girl SnapChat filter?

Guys, Try Doing @everyone


@Shouen this is a hentai Server lmao

It's full of retards and Weebs

It's not Gay if it Doesnt Touch The balls.

yo wtf i missed

That's hawt

Autism or Down Syndrome?

@Riesenwal Bro dont take it seriously

That's G a e

Are Nazi Jokes allowed?

That is Depressing

What Do I see?

HI YOU Disturbing perosn.

Since You're into Cars.

But okay Man.

C a r G i r l. That' Sounds like Gae NTR

@Mudkip pl ahh yes KURWA

I'm Learning more in here. Than Most of My Class

@vivid dreams Nah. i do like Hitler

Polish is weird.

Russians are Atleast respectable

But Polish Cussing is just

*Everything is Kurwa*

Guys. join Puuuungi's Church

It's a shit hole :^) with Virgins including me

Tell Him/her You have a Dick

HENTAI is International : /

Cm'on Man. We're just Learning .

Learning with MudKip. ;_;

Around Millions

Yeah 200.

LOVE LIVE hitler

h3il Hitler


Very. N o p e

Yo, Dudes. My Girl Just Got pm-ed By a indian . motherfucker ltierally forced my girl to breakup with Me

@Deleted User I live in PH Man

India is literalyl half a State Away

I didn't even want to Look at the Desperation in his DM's

His attempt Was Futile

it Didn't Work

@Deleted User It is?, I think ur brain insitinctively Breathes. And If ur Mouth is stuffed with Puke ur brain will also make u wake up

it's like . ur Brain aint that Retarded.

I trust ur Words.

@Deleted User Alright. I'll be gay for a Year

basically free Dick pills



Jail is only a room Ryt?

Actually. It's been 2 weeks

2 or a month now . And yet still no post

Yo bois
imma eat

ya'll have a good one

S i l e n c e

What i miss?

Before:Homosexuality is Punishible by DeatH
now:EY BRO Wanna see my huge Cock?

ur gae

yo n1ggas what i missed?

Oh noe D:

*Iz the end of Circle Jerk Boi 69*


imagine being so T H I C C that ur stockings Snapped

The world would be Cheaper and better without instagram.

Some thigns are hella expensive cos of Instagram. And it's Absurd


y o anyone know when Golden wind ep 34 is comming out?


HH is always interesting

Can't Say Yes for the uploads >->

Can i get a Hamburger without Ham?

That's not that Ara Ara

Infact that's a bit weird

D a z e m a d u d e

yes yes

Go jerk off With Those Pics :^)

I had this one Girl. We knew for a long time but We Rarely opened up to eachother, Her and I Held Hands back in the Day. Didn't remember it That Clearly altho I didn't Forget. She Said She Liked Me. And I liked Her Back, Then after a few weeks I said "Will you be my Girl Friend" She Replied "Yes" and Immediately Said "Wait Let me think about it", She never Did . moral of the story. Dont be so Optimistic about life

I asked her a couple of times in the span of 4 months .

She Stated She'll still think of it again

Damn that Caught me Off Guard


I was inexperienced that time. ANd most of hte advice I had Was Pretty Bad

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