
Discord ID: 398261579881250816

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Are you all american?

A down under i see

@Clincoin it lets us learn

Not step 2 times into the same stone

Learn from the past, but don't live in it

So don't use the past as a political tool

As you shouldn't use religion as one

antifa doesn't attack

just what it considers a fascist

i'm done with people bashing everyone's heads or throwing molotovs

did you know that kills people too?

America would never genocide

Its leaders are stupid

But not that stupid

Firebombing is ilegal, what do you expect

That's almost terrorism

One thing doesn't take the other out

You don't just firebomb someone

Just as you don't put people into camp

Real question is

What were you doing on incognito?

Direct democracy ain't that good

Normally it's a mess to organize

Then if you ever manage to organize such a thing

You end up with an asembly or whatever with people that have very different ideas on how to deal with the countrie's problems

And to top it off most of them can be inexperienced af

You have a good example of a society going maybe a bit too democratic

The weimar republic

There were no restrictions whatsoever in political parties

At first this sounds great right?

Well you end up realising there's more than 50 parties

To form a cabinet you must scramble through all of them to get a nish majority

And your goverment would fall apart whener one of those parties would withraw their support

Alright, so like in comunities basically?

You mean that?

That's a bit tricky

At first an anarchist free territory might and just might be swallowed by another country

Considering there's nothing opposing it whatsoever and the region is isolated and doesn't trade anyways

Then there's the problem of organizing those communites to actually produce things efficiently for everyone to get their needs done

And when everyone gets a full say in that

Things get trickier

With hundreds of opinions on how to produce

Whenever to produce something at all

Or what to do with the produced things

It can work, yes

In fact there's a million worker cooperative here in spain, all of hem having a say

But they organize themselves into factions

And that slides into representatove democracy

Direct democracy works but only in really small scales, that's the thing

That's optimistic

I do not trust a group of 100 people say all from the same region to solve their problems on their own and to manage themselves

They'll need diferent types of peoples with different types of skills to actually maybe sustain themselves

Let alone be able to actually even trade with other comunities

If that was the case you might aswell call the region independent

But not for long cause unless they have a good farmer personel they would all starve

And that's without counting how to deal with internal strife

External threats that would want to put down this territory that is neither protected and isn't trading with them

You have 2 options

A decentralised army, everyone making their own moves

Basically easy picks for bigger armies that just need to defeat them individually

Or a centealised comand

But then you have a direct democracy over a lot of people

And thus hundreds of opinions and diferent aproaches

Also you understimate how globalized the world is rn

Regions cannot survive without trading with others

And hopping for a single commune to have enougj personel to produce enough to trade and sustain itself

While also needing personel for mantainence and moving those goods

Numbers do start packing up

If you decide to let every commune be independent and to not trade

Congratulations, you've now made everyone's lifes worse than under capitalism

You don't have to teach me about that

My family fought for them

But i gotta say they really didn't do a great job

Defending was easy considering they normally defended cities

Erected barricades and such which were a pain to cross

But when they decided to do something else

They failed miserably

This can be seen at the battle of Terol of 1937

They tried to make an offensive all the way north to relieve the basque country

They failed cause of a lack of disciplone


And overall strategy

Germany only sent the condor legion

The CNT was defeated by nationalist forces

As was the republic in its entirety

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