
Discord ID: 269071169192329216

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2018-09-23 06:33:27 UTC [Cheers and Peace Out #political]  

Total noob to this and not sure where to respond to some of Renaldo's videos on Youtube short of having to create yet another account... In response to your video about racism and use of the k-word, Sticks And Stones! bra, Stop Enabling the Masses whom are So Abusive as is! This whole political correctness, SJW whatever bullsit movement taking over where it's a criminal offence to call somebody out for acting the way they do and hurt their poor feelings is Fcking ridiculous! Don't Encourage It! Don't you see that if people act like and behave like normal human beings they wouldn't be called out for what they are! Of recent I know of quiet a few "minority" people whom have just been treated with complete disrespect and disdain with regards to service in many industries from shops, fast food outlets, restaraunts and hotels - basically pushing people to just say the wrong thing! There is a huge problem with bad attitude in the workplace amongst all races with this social justice crap - again Sticks and Stones, doos - running any business is far difficult enough with stupid regulations and yet true and real everyday crimes just go on without being punished. In the past it would be said that Crime Doesn't Pay, Today It's Crime Pays! Please get some real advise from that bloke you did the gun control debate vid with - he may be seen as a right winger but goddamn at least he aint no socialist pig, I truly wish he could speak some sense into you!

2018-09-23 06:47:29 UTC [Cheers and Peace Out #political]  

Another thing, please stop with this "past injustices" and "oppression" I see all over the place, don't encourage that stupid mind set. I can tell you that the colonialists of the time in no way treated the bantu of the time anywhere near as badly as the Amrican Indians nor the Aborigines of Australia. Why not look at the good that benefitted the bantu people to this day, surely there huge hordes of numbers would not be if apartheid was that bad and surely western medication and technology along with the stupid idea of a welfare contributed to their enormous numbers? Please leave this rhetoric of feeling sorry for them and blaming whities for everything! Look at all the good whities have shared and given to them too for a change!!!

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