
Discord ID: 312376198237782018

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Yes white name uprising

@! Tohka darkskin

Tom Brady

@Human Scum nah white name revolution

<@285038539119263745> hello


Yes we love anime girls



Nooo fellow white name

Old enough to be your daughter

It be like that @Ashytaka

Because chat moving

She didn't leave u on read u left her speechless king

Da rules face ass


White name uprising

Miss me

With that gay shit

We all gay


U a male lady bug

Fuck fortinite


That goosebumps song from fortnite is good



<@285038539119263745> gg


We all gay doe its ok

Expect me

U don't got that power


Hello bruva

The other pfp was better

U ever beat meat to gta stripper



Smacking my head

U probably got gauges

Back to this carti

@Wolf T-cSniper sorry for your loss

Bring back bullying

Anti bullying why furry exist


I can be toxic breh

Traps gay

๐Ÿ‘‰ <:asspensive:698252108125700475>

Rule enforcers assemble

Hit or miss


๐Ÿ‘๏ธ ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ

I see u

Traps gay


Person below me like traps



He was 9 Also

๐Ÿ‘‰ <:dab:391964322294923273>


We really livin on a little blue ball in space millions of us





Boredom kills


That name <:pepedisapointedevenmore:660998941763960867>




Carti the only rapper i can listen to say "what " for 2min straight

Dead ass he got a song called what

Mann i could show u some carti u never even seen before


Kyle x mountain dew type beat

If mom not a guy then im not a girl

Im a girl breh Damn


Must be a quis alt talking about girlfriends

Girls don't play doom

Well shit

U not a girl den

Roblox gay


12 inch i thought u was a girl


U don't deserve the ending to jojo <:PepeGenius:643775472014196736>

Part 4 is ass

Part 4 is boring

Jolyne a fuckin dumbass <:lmaocry:702244378957185096>

I can

I can

Jojo community mad annoying tho

Like u watched jojo we get it


The community annoying

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