
Discord ID: 187698781540712448

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I wish I was good at cod

"Stop being poor"

I just aim really badly

I can survive by being a rat

But the last guy always eats my ass unless I got 20k and a shop beside me

Anyone wanna play some cod then?

You guys are my friends right?

<:thinkingdie:304069382831734784> <:notlikemiyu:294962456197857281>

And here I have been simping for months

Marv, how do you build him

Also have yall tried him in the jg?

Totally op not trash at all

You play him sup? That sounds worse than Teemo bot


I usually do voli support if I get filled

What you gonna do when the tank ccs you for five seconds

Best off meta might still be riven shen, change my mind

They cant hit this

Jungle could be better. I always feel useless if my lanes feed

No more hooks 10.10

Kayn gotta buff this patch?

He was kinda weak so he needs it

Everything he can do others do better

That will be nice to help I guess

With 40cdr?

Fuck god

No one here is female, girls are like mods, they don't exist

Penguin bb, you know you have the cutest cock here

Don't worry okay?

Only the cutest cock for the cutest boi

I want to lose weight, hence why I am eating my foods food

I want headrubs but we all can't get what we want

Penguin, when you come over i'll cook ou one of my diners

TRy and metabolize fucking half a cow worth of steak

Quis, you can come too

guys mod called me retard in dms, how do I get his dick pics now?

Where are my dick pics Nomad


I feel that Sam

I gotta use that line

YOu can always play it like me and just be their best friend and never advance it



I can't wait for the second worse wave of corona to hit

Can't wait

Hopefully by the time this virus blows over I can go see the girl I like

Gonna do absolutely nothing to further the relationship but I miss her



I won't hate you Bronce

Just make it painless

I have returned

Dunce chat is a dead chat

I was a bad boy, I posted two emojis within 30 seconds


I get it though, not really mad

it was a grueling affair

Chin up King, your crown is falling

Path finding @aleฯ‡

Anyone that says different is lying

Loli is pedo

Traps is the best, the dick makes it cuter

No one wants a pedo

Thank you <:MeguGasm:274751438725578762>

One day I will be a blue boy

One day I will be retarded

Depends on big the tits are

I was friends with a rather open girl and they weren't that saggy

A good trap is kinda really hot

depends how far they are

Penguin, are we talking about your big dick?

Any chance I get get a pic? I mean lol..... unless

I'll dm you something to sweeten the deal penguin. Don't worry

Simp alert

GEtting your ears cleaned is the best

your waifu is trash

Don't fuck crazy people

Everyone loves traps

Until they have a bigger dick than you


Are they trying?

says the obito pfp

That feeling when you get left on read

Why ping, I am here


DKgamer, how old are you?


Sure man, whatever

We want knne pics Pengu

Do it

gonna miss all these pings


Your brain be like this <:PaaX:692814093379305543>
While my brain by like this <a:BigBrainPepe:695699052695650676>

Shut up halfing

Everyone loves traps

Dude what isn't to like? they got that cute dick, love anal, and know what guys like


Fade, no one does anal without cleaning themselves

Hold shit the balls


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