
Discord ID: 227609102602207232

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2020-03-15 21:03:35 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-15 21:03:59 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Was mostly lookin for a server that talks guns

2020-03-15 21:04:47 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Hello fellow gun owners, how are the guns today? May i know how many guns you have?

2020-03-15 21:05:26 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-15 21:05:38 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Nah im lookin for someone who knows bout fals

2020-03-15 21:05:57 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

No single

2020-03-15 21:07:26 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

I picked up one at a gun show the other day took it to the rsnge and its ruining the shells

2020-03-15 21:07:37 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  


2020-03-15 21:08:19 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Fire the whole bullet, thats what action movies taught me

2020-03-15 21:10:43 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Anyone know a server i could go to?

2020-03-15 21:11:17 UTC [Competitive Eating #prepping]  

Oh there it is

Picked this up from a gunshow the other day for $750

Fires great, but its wrecking the shells


Yea but i wanted to see if it had to do with the type of firearm i had

I know some of the clones can get effy

But how ya think i did price wise on the gun? Was told it was worth a lil over a grand

Yea either way Ver is right and it'll take a smith to fix

So theres nothing i could do or replace?

Take like a screwdriver and bend it out

Family photo

Yea p320, Mossberg 930 12 gauge, and a L1A1 imbel fal

And 3M 7800b gas mask

Got me some wood


26 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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