
Discord ID: 369316105195487243

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I'm a chicken and I can type

I'm a chicken cuz I'm a wHimP ass bitch

Trans doesn't count as a gender. There are 2 genders, but you can just be born into the wrong one.

Trans isn't a separate gender in and of itself

Oh Lord

That's too extreme

Gender exists. Gender expression, gender identity, those are all words used commonly. You either identify as one gender, the other, or neither.

I'm trans, I identify as the male gender. I will have gender reconstructive surgery.

Sexes is what you're born with, gender is what you identify with

I was born the female sex, I am the male gender. I will attach a penis to my body, but I will always have 2 x chromosomes, making me the female sex

I will have to tell my doctor's that even though I have a pp, I was afab, so I'm still at risk for diseases that females get

Because as you said, it's a thing with the brain. Dysphoria, and the only way to fix it is to help your body match your brain.

I don't have a pp yet.

Yeah, that's what you have to do before you can get surgery and on hormones

Trans people PRE TRANSITIOn have a high suicide rate

Also, trans people are 4x more likely to live in poverty, which poverty does cause suicide

Trans people are more likely to live in poverty because only 18 states have laws protecting Trans people in the workplace

There's several studies over it

Literally just look up trans suicide rates and there's several credible sources.

I will, let me get the link

No. It fucks up the mind of people who aren't real trans.

They got their info from the national center for Trans equality and national gay and lesbian task force

They have all of the links posted on that page

The page is literally just mostly statistics.

Good news, I can get a dick

Also good news, mtf can get pussies

Like 98% of all celebs?

Surgeries and shit, cosmetic surgery, body mutilation, isn't exclusive to the trans community

I'm not homo but

I'm 18, turning 19 in may


It's fairly common, but a lot of them are transtrenders.

I mean, if you can change your skin color, I'll have no way to say otherwise

If I pass by you in the street, it's not like I'll be able to tell (if you go through the process of changing nshit)

Not always.

It's really not. A lot of people pass really well.

Nine times out of ten, once someone has completed transition you can only tell because of their surgery scars, or if they're mtf, their voice (if they started transitioning after their voice dropped)

Or if they have a tranny voice lmao (ftm)

The bot

Transtrenders, mostly

Only like 0.4% of the pop. Is actually trans. A lot of people just want opression points.

Transgenders have been a thing for a long ass time. The first reconstructive surgery for trans was done in 1964

So I mean

But just because they weren't getting surgery, doesn't mean they didn't exist before that

Also, people who are trans have really bad dysphoria

Transitioning is the only way that helps

Yeah, uHM, again, you HAVE TO GET HELP before you can begin transitioning to make sure you're not making a mistake

But you can't STOP being trans

Trans is a legit condition w/ the brain.

I'm not gay, so


The tranny

I.e., me

I mean, I don't see how people being trans affects you, especially since they make up such a small portion of the population


How are people being brainwashing lmao

Shit like this, especially gays, have been around since ancient times fam

Trans /=/ gay

It's not the same

slander or defamation of character

You cant do those

Thats been a law for a long ass tims


So yeah, you can get fired for being shit to someone. Maybe just stop worrying about how other people live their lives & you do you

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