
Discord ID: 402897213048750091

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Gee magine that, they are going to tear down the school where the shooting took place. No that isn't weird at all is it?

I'm still seeing lefties claim it's not over. I don't know what about "no US persons" they don't get. It's like John Kasich telling his supporters he still has a chance to win the 2016 election.

They want it to have an effect on the mid-terms. Of course they don't know what's coming.

I have a feeling a lot of people like that aware of all this, but they don't think they can comment on it yet.

Tearing it down makes no sense. I haven't read the official justification yet but I can't imagine.

Not sure if this is just intestinal terrorism or the kind of plane turnaround we are looking for but if it's nothing, here's your humor for the night Guardian

Nazis you say? The Ukraine story is a largely ignored story

There are stories about people who screen stuff for social media who are traumatized by just a few weeks on the job.

I don't want to "see" him do that, but I do want to know that he did it and who made it possible and hid it. Prosecutors can see that stuff and tell me what they saw.

A certain amont of shock is necessary yes

"Difficult" is an understatement

You have to cut the fingers off they have shoved in their ears

Looking at using a framework called "CakePHP" which is quick and easy to get up and running on for the site.

Ebbs and flows with events I suppose

I may have an idea on how to allow a visitor to complile their own custom research map in conjuction with Dustin's presentation. By clicking on items in the presentation as they come up and saving them in a sort of "research plan" document.

I think everyone has probably noticed that the coordination isn't even hidden any longer.

I got someone yesterday. They went on and on about the children and I said okay so why isn't several thousand Pedo arrests significant and the problem they expose?

And that horrific story from the UK about "unnamed gov officials" being caught abusing children and then disolving their bodies in acid.

I listen to his podcast nearly every day but he is firmly in the blue pilled world at the moment.

I think there are quite a number of journalists even at places like CNN who have no clue what is going on. They think this is R vs D. I think Brian Stelter is one of those useful idiots although I wouldn't place a bet to that effect.

BTW guys there is something I wrote up out of frustration for this silly persistant things from doubters like Roy Potter I would like for a few people to read. In fact it might be nice if at least one Youtuber could pick it up. I don't want people to spend too much time on it but given that IT is what I do for a living this business with the "Q isn't real because IP addresses" bugs me more than it would most people. I don't have a blog so I did a Google doc. I felt the same frustration with the baseless "Russian hacking" idiocy long before Q and I am about as tired as it gets with the Hollywood fed disinformation of how this works. So if you are so inclined.

It just reminds me of the ad "that isn't how this works. That isn't how any of this works". I'm sure people who know a lot about guns hear people talk during debates about gun control and get really annoyed at the stupidity

Thanks Matty appreciate that.

If they view you as stupid they don't even try to understand.

Does anyone here know if there is any live steaming for DC police radio? I can't seem to find anything but transit and fire. I'm wondering if they have some sort of secure system which can't be monitored publicly.

I think Sophia needs to make me a sammich

Personally not putting much of this on Facebook for now. Time will come when that will be necessary but it's too much trouble to fight the mental blocks and conditioning at the moment.

Jack went to Russia?

Well Q just mentioned him in relation to Snowden so hmmmmm

Getting a screen shot on this phone is a pain.

Pelosi seems to also have some dementia although sometimes she seems lucid. She for her own good should have retired a long time ago.

Speaking of EBS messages. We have had them once a week for three weeks now. Loud as crap too. Woke me up last week and that was not long after Brendan Dilley's source had said POTUS might use EBS.

LOL yeah dream on Obama you idiot. The only thing he will be running is the GITMO basket weaving competition.

How long does it usually take Steemit to get back to you when you have signed up?

@Robdon077 I understand the frustration but this entire thing is a massive undertaking and damn dangerous. If this isn't done right people walk, the media will bury it, and people will get hurt. Basically it constitutes dismantling of 80%+ of the control of what happens on the planet. The money, governments, corps, everything but what we do. If you have ever tried to red pill anyone yet you probably have seen you can't get very far with most people. Trump even so much as threatens to fire one person let alone send someone to GITMO/gallows and the media makes sure that all anyone hears is screaming from the left. I figure Mueller has to be gone (but whatever happens has to make sense to normies) and in fact the first steps are run of the mill firings, investigations and indictments and then easing the gruesome facts in. You might notice that for whatever reason there isn't much concern about the mid-terms as there normally would be. Some in Washington know that just when the Dems think they have a blue wave it's going to get destroyed but that might take a few weeks or months and it's going to start to get scary.

I bet they are getting slammed.

It's so bad that it triggers subconcious temptation to cover ones ears or attack the messenger. If you rip the bandaide off in this case it does more damage than good.

Good. Nobody cares what she thinks.

Here's a theory which has just today come into focus for me. I don't discount the MKUltra idea but this might be true as well.

The FBI and the deep state DOES pat attention to the tips of unstable people. They don't use those reports to prevent anything from happening, they use it to preposition resources they need to exploit or even help an event happen. Get people and media down there, get close to the potential shooter and people around him, get a feel for local law enfircement, enlist them if they can or sabotage them if necessary. When the person snaps (perhaps with a gentle push) everything is there.

So march against police violence.......unless of course they stood around outside a school while kids got shot. We support those cops......sheesh wish they could make up their minds.

I heard of cops going out with a bag but no report I have seen of cops going into that school until it was over.

Well like I said you could use these reports that come in as a way to predict shootings not to prevent them but to exploit them.

The kid is putting his foot in his mouth.

Don't know that that applies specifically to Q. This has been going on for three months and they didn't have any more control over "overzealous analysts" than that? With Q and Trump coordinating and being close by? Doubt it. Maybe for his source but I seriously doubt Q is one of those.

More like stage 2 requires radio silence and maybe not everyone involved in the plan approves of enlisting and trusting us with info.

I think Dilleys source is gone because he won't be going to Congress, but he also could have had a source which was not authorized all the way up the chain.

Was glad to see that keepvid URL mentioned in the video. For some reason the usual program I use to download from YouTube wasn't working.

BTW if Q wants us making noise I say we give CNN enough meme grief they pay attention. This business of them actively getting YT channels taken down is bad news. What "news" organization does that?

I found a video I thought was good to share. I thinks it's done well enough that it may be suitable for red pilling.

@cloudy waters There quite a few people who know, but have reputations to protect for now. Nothing is gained by those people talking about Q just yet. For instance I saw H. A. Goodman recommend Lionel's channel multiple times and once even mentioned Tracy Beanz. I imagine Dan Bongino knows, Hannity knows could be people you wouldn't imagine like Shapiro knows. Thing about Shapiro is that he goes out of his way to only cover things he is absolutely certain of. He covers mostly culture, the Daily Wire aggregates news mostly and doesn't do their own reporting and he is somewhat isolated out in California. With all the political coverage I have seen him do, he's never cited connections to anything going on in Washington. I'm sure plenty in Washington like the guy and would probably talk to him but he seems to have limited interest in day to day DC happenings. Smart guy but his focus is elsewhere. He'll come along IMO.

The CBTS aonons are going to ask us for help. Whatever this video is that is going to be released, the media is going to try to call it fake. They will reference this program which was used to make fake porn vids. We need memes and other info of how thaes videos can be proved to be faked. The program is called deepfake. Find the flaws in the output of this software if you can.

@Watershed yes I'm aware of that. We need a way to debunk these videos. Like pixel artifacts it produces.

I saw one on the article about it. It looks like the edges for the face aren't clear.

I was listening to the CBTS stream and they were talking about mobilizing people to make sure the media can't label this as fake.

I don't know that the video released would have nudity, it might just be her and Podesta fully clothed and torturing a child. Maybe a video of one of their sick rituals.

Like maybe not just HRC and JP but bug eyed Schiff and others.

A full blown weird, disgusting, Satanic ritual with kids tied up, maybe beaten with all the key players standing right there would be impossible to defend.

We have a little over a week reportedly to find out.

Just the NSA, the FBI and the NYPD

There is a date in the post which is March 15th (Thursday)

BOOM!!!Watch this all the way through. Apparently Brenden Dilley was not done with Intel drops after all. The HRC video may not be what we thought it was, but in a good way. Watch it all the way through.

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