Discord ID: 689453146174390371

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tell us about the land of babes bullet and burgers

so what is AMERICA in general summary

hmmm u got a point

well I am talking about today


well there it goes

well thats what i wanted to know about todays america how cab you summary it


like if someone wants to go to america today what should he know to adapt to the american lifestyle?

well im european and i heard americans are ignorant and stupid so i want to hear the own visioj from someone who is borb and raised in the amerixab civilizatiob

interesting i will look him up

@Guarocuya true about some parts isolations etc

@Guarocuya so true lol

also true

@aightrothschild money haha

@AngloAmericanGod have you seen these old movies in 70s jesus those females werE HOOOTTT

yeah george was visionary about a lot of things dude knew too much haha

power corrupts

like for example we are now living in a time where you cab see how it feels like living in a utopie hahawith no work and the gov pays the citizens, literally people dont like it, most of them want to work

can i ask how old both of u are

ohhhh damn i feel old

alright haha

so angelo where does ur interest come feom


you are not the typical american dude haha

yeha u

sheeesh that didnt age at all

women and alcohol will never get out of business


well europe is also fucked sooo

too much migration

from parts where they dont know that batsoup is fucked

china is fucking us up with a bioweapon

true the world will be soooo different after this

since ottoman empire went into oblivion

amen anglo

well usa and europe wont accept a 4th power like the muslim power because most arabs have 1 thing in common and thats their religion and they strong with it and thats why they wont acxept ir


i love sex with a girl with a big white boott


๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ’ฏ

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