
Discord ID: 580068413368434708

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based on what

"shit leader"

he turned his shithole third world country to a nuclear world power in 30 years.


no I won't


Is this how you're planning to make friends?

were you no senators son?

wow you seem really gay about that guy

were you two about to hook up or what

how are you gonna save a country raised on video games and cartoon porn?

yeah this is getting suspiciously gay

ah, the divine rights of discord mods

mlk was a zionist as well

gonna have to call cringe on that


unironic future iPad parent in the making

why is there even a centrist role

pussy niggas ๐Ÿ˜”

not a commie though, this server didn't have my based ideology

so i had to improvise



yeah I do hate people with more money than me and immigrants

blue rare

has the parasite reached your brain yet?

but what about the cool cheffs on TV

oh yeah, lust

I still wonder why I basically got a commercial for a porn discord

sucks for them

only 5%?

that's pretty good for a discord server

what's stopping you bro

eh, semitic religions

potato potahto

i dunno about that cheif, we got others ways to get good things into your body in this day and age

do you also call yourself trad?

just a question



oh 60

nevermind then

no, I'm talking about the republic

why don't absolute monarchists just move to north korea?

unless you're in it for the LARP

monarchism is barely a political ideology

america is way more anti-communist than anti-fascist

I can't remember the last time a US official used the term "fascism"

maybe the old jew running for president did, but I'm not sure

yeah but it doesn't mean anything to these people

really molding my perfect political ideology from this chat

oh man, 10 year olds being into politics and speaking ebonics

just end it all

I dunno about that cheif. at that age you probably get your world view from "political" youtubers

you're gonna get goy'd

just trying to warn my brother here



age fluid

its kinda like a kindergarten

I'm glad it's over

how did america get so fucked in only 40 years

who needs identity when you can just go shopping

oh man, 30% off? I'll take it

women only get as much power as men grant them

the eternal goyim marking

i dunno man, did the jews or your parents get a say in the matter of mutilating your dick

that's the real question here

seems to me america should be buried. start balkanizing it

free my nigga cascadia

if that happens I hope you're not gonna use the word reich

I'm loving this virus honestly

he's 14

of course he's happy

yeah rip, but that doesn't change the fact

the arabs also cut their foreskin off though

waiting for the lolbertarians to bring up margaret thatcher

how will blumpf recover

there's not coming back from that sick burn


yooo BASED?

not a commie though, this server doesn't have my based ideology

this is what it feels like to be black probably



keep this china shit away

is pretty much is at this point

fucking everyone has autism now

where is that picture from?

hey, at least we're not speaking german, right?


imagine thinking a country with a population of 80 million could ever take over the entire fucking world

the germans didn't even want anything east of the volga river

as that was considered asian land

ah, just race mix and buy products. I am the modern man

jews rock

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

zionist cyberpunk warrior

remember when mussolini said "fuck black people"?

what about it was gay?

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