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It reminds me of โ€œContact@ with Jodie Foster. Always loved that movie...

Oh I will Iโ€™m sure...

Ok will do. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™

@Bleezer I found where I originally saw the evidence thing:

This was the only place I saw it.

@Panama is there going to be an interstellar II?

@Relic 1776 why? Whatโ€™s up with Panama?

Oh heโ€™s like in a time out? Poor Panama!

Maybe he had too much truth serum or something ๐Ÿ˜‚

That was fricken awesome!!! โ€ผ๏ธ

Just gonna put this out there. The flight pattern would be exactly straight looking at a flat earth map. Just say in'

I know. I can't help it.

@Bleezer yeah that's all I'm sayin' those flights definitely pose questions... Thx for saying so

Or it could be this....

US Air Force Admits They Can Control the Weather | Covert Geopolitics

This is some really scary sh*t!

@Relic 1776 I do know itโ€™s old, but it is a good reminder to keep in mind what they are capable of doing with the weather. I can only imagine what they are capable of by now... Iโ€™ve been reading a lot about 5G ...

Panama turned me on to a great movie at least ๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿฟ Interstellar was really good!

@SirW00f you have got a real knack for this shit!!! Loving all your memes โ™ฅ๏ธ

Iโ€™ll have to check out his other stuff

Loved it! The ending was pretty mind-boggling though... ๐Ÿคช

Great-Iโ€™ll probably be awake all night watching Inception and then Dunkirk...

I was just freaked out about the way he was moving himself around inside of that time warp place in his daughters room. She was young then old then young... Like time is not linear but is a completely different dimension. I like those kinds of movies that make you think... really blew my mind actually!

Whatโ€™s your theory?

I still believe in FE. So that works for me ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

So the one who made the wormhole was able to make the wormhole because he went through the wormhole and discovered how time can bend to make wormholes.....

Haha like I said... it boggles my mind!

Get ready to school me about Inception next. It looks pretty thought provoking as well!

This is a great breakdown of part of the IG report.

IG Report: FBI Lawyer #1 Tashina Gauhar and The Huma/Weiner Laptop Issuesโ€ฆ | The Last Refuge

@creepyAnon I hate her too!!! Sheโ€™s definitely a mouth breather...

Not sure if posted here yet but it's FLOTUS exposing the lies at the border!!!

This is really disgusting. Someone mentioned Ashton Kutcher. Has anyone seen this? Demi Moore kissing on a very young boy.... yuck so gross!

@Maga gal It's video of the Mexican cartel. They beheaded a man and are now removing the heart of his son in Mexico. It's extremely graphic as the boy is still alive while he is being cut open. If you are squeamish you shouldn't watch. It is impossible to unsee it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Yep! Frightening isnโ€™t it? I wonder if we should forward that clip to her and Maxine?

At first I thought it was organ harvesting but when I posted on Twitter as such, I was quickly corrected that it was indeed the cartel and it was not for harvesting... it was a territorial thing.

Where did the pedo research chat go?

@SirW00f not seeing it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I remember that also, she was changing the language to make things gender neutral and sort of snuck in the age change nonchalantly hoping no one would notice.

Omg just noticed that picture above where Justice Ginsburg fell asleep ๐Ÿ˜‚. The look on that woman's face- Hilarious!

This is totally AWESOME!!!

Sorry I think I interrupted a tense moment ๐Ÿ˜•

Just my two cents... I still trust Q, I always have and I always will.... I trust the plan. With this many investigations going on, the whole thing is a 3D puzzle. It is probably the most complicated thing that anyone has ever experienced in DC. So many good actors and white hats that have to follow the plan, which means they sometimes have to be on the opposing side-if only for theatrics, but some have been flipped and/or were blackmailed or threatened. It is a very tangled web for certain. But POTUS HAS GOT THIS!!! HAVE FAITH! Trust Q

@Stofke86 Oooooooh I want one! how much was it and where did you get it?

@hitchhiker I canโ€™t believe they actually believe the government after hearing this guy tell them that the fluoride they put in the water is from the waste created when producing glyphosate!! They arenโ€™t allowed to dump it in the ocean because itโ€™s too toxic, but they can add it to the water supply by calling it a supplement. INSANITY!!! They even wear hazmat suits when working with it! .... how does that even happen let alone get justified? Smh

So sorry for your loss @Relic 1776 and @Maga gal Dogs love unconditionally and that's what everyone needs in these trying times.... We could stand to learn a thing or two from our 4 legged furry friends. I sure could use a dog hug right about now, but unfortunately my dogs are living with my husband at the moment ๐Ÿ˜ข

Okay guys- thus website is selling ALL kinds of Q merchandise! I ordered a bunch of stuff. We should set a date where all if us start wearing something everyday.

@Desimated I have bought from youtubers as well. I also support 5 channels through Patreon. I am not aware of a you tube channel that sells Qanon stuff. Are you? I would love to support that so please let me know if you know of one ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

I got a couple of bumper stickers a tank top and a small poster...

Anything to do with dimensions?

Snack reminds me of the other guy that got kicked out of discord. I forgot his name thoโ€™ began with an R....

He was saying stuff about other dimensions and worm holes time travel that kind of stuff. And he was sort of jerking me around just like this...@Maga gal

I donโ€™t know. Just saying I FEEL your frustration!!!

Makes me want to uncover my pineal gland and see if I can enlighten myself some how! Lol

I wish I knew more!!! Sucks!

Oh that makes much more sense now... not..... ๐Ÿ˜‚Iโ€™ll print it and study. Thanks snack dude

Panama!! That was his name!

Wait, are you Panama snackpack?

Snack guy, Why did you say lifeโ€™s โ€œcheckeredโ€ career?

Yeah I was just curious of your word choice considering the topic. So are there answers in this map?

It might be on your clip board. Open a blank word doc and try to paste

Okay fire just started 5 miles north of me.... super dry hot and really windy :(yikes evacuations too) hope it doesnโ€™t spread like wildfire! ๐Ÿ˜จ Iโ€™m in Santa Barbara.

Did you try pasting it @Maga gal? Might be on your clip board

What do you guys think about DEW?

Fire just really really scares me. Iโ€™ve had to evacuate two different times and it ainโ€™t fun...

Santa Barbara- fire just started in goleta- 5 miles north

Yes itโ€™s a structure fire as well as vegetation in a goleta neighborhood. I hate those fucking DEW scumbags

Itโ€™s bullshit....

I had this weird feeling about a fire starting as soon as I heard heat wave coming this weekend.

Itโ€™s about 5 miles north of Santa Barbara. Iโ€™m down near the beach luckily....

Project paper clip comes to mind...

Agenda 21 all the way ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Yeah and the tree burning from the inside up in NorCal

Man theyโ€™re slow!

Was it all those f-bombs? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Alrighty then ima go look at my cool Q map then. Night everyone! Hopefully Iโ€™ll still be here tomorrow.... it was fun discussions tonight!

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