
Discord ID: 433987546410778627

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Amen to that


All capitalists join me and let us unite against all facists and commies!

Join the Navy Seals, and we'll embark on a mission to destroy the facists!

Are you ready to enlist? @Deleted User

(join my Navy seal server?)


I believe in as much freedom as possible

Not that

That's too much

I mean I shouldn't have to be fined to buy a product like health care

Or car insurance

Or anything

I don't get sick enough

Yeah I don't want to be forced to buy a sex toy either

Why do I have to?

There's no opinion of facism only a definition right?

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial contro

How does the right wing stand for facism if they want less control?

Doesn't the right wing want to place individuals above race?

Especially when they say all lives matter?


Yeah but Christianity is based upon a common thing

Belief in Jesus as the savior

There was no mention of traditional values


Where did that definition come from?

Did you forget that the Republican party was made with the goal to abolish slavery.

That was a traditional value of the conservatives too?

That doesn't sound facist

Still right winged

Democrats created KKK

That's really facist

The KKK suppressed the opposition by targeting blacks that voted Republican

Every time civil rights legislation was being processed, only Democrats opposed it.

When legislation was passed to not allow discrimination anymore, only Democrats opposed it

They had to enforce it.

How's that my fault?


Back then?

Still now

They just keep getting bashed by media

Control the information control the sheeple

I'm not saying they're liberal I mean they still are the same.


Farewell sir

I think death was a possibility.

Not just death.

Seizure too

That's more common

So fuck the fact that some people have not benefited from vaccines?

How does that make them entirely good?

You act like they do.

You keep ignoring the risks

Hey buddy

If you combine everyone affected by vaccines it's not going to be a few.

Maybe compared globally it is but it'd still be a high number.


How would you know that they would've ever gotten that disease in the first place?

It's a gamble either way then?

Because if everyone was vaccinated for smallpox there would be at least 14 dead out of every million.

That's just the minimum

Everyone's life is at risk either way.

But don't forget that's only for smallpox vaccines

Just smallpox vaccines alone

Out of the whole population that would be 98,000

Still a lot of people.

It seems sort of backwards to die to something you're trying to prevent.

That's the problem

You don't seem to care for people who do take vaccines, and died trying.

Natural vaccination

Even pro vaccine organizations support it.

Yeah but it also has a death rate doesn't it?

Ranges from 14-52

Some vaccines are for diseases that don't exist anymore...

But if the success rate is so low, then why do pro vacc organizations support it? 🤔

Why do they support it?

Why do pro-vaccs support natural immunizations if the success rate is so low?

Some diseases did disappear


Not all


There is no reason to vaccinate against diseases that no longer occur in the United States. The CDC reported no cases or deaths from diphtheria between 2003 and 2011 in the United States. [13] Fewer than 51 cases and 10 deaths per year from tetanus were reported between 1994 and 2011. [13] Polio has been declared eradicated in the United States since 1979. [105] There have been fewer than 21 deaths yearly from rubella since 1971 and fewer than 25 deaths yearly from mumps since 1968. [13]

"polio has been eradicated"

No cases?

I don't see anything about polio coming back so...

But some don't...


How isn't it coming back?

Your analogy is invalid, dams aren't relevant to vaccines.

But anyway

I think the risk isn't worth it

No all analogies are able to be broken down enough to the point where they are irrelevant

Okay and

Still a chance

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