
Discord ID: 177282577193893888

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all information sealed

When Trump moved into the WhiteHouse he had to leave and go to maralago for 2 weeks while a rennovation crew reparied and cleaned the house

because it FUCKING STUNK

maybe some of these twitter accounts are of the FBI agents saying they want to testify

apparently there are hundreds

he went to joint base andrews earlier i know that

There are new Q posts?

Look at NY Souther District ๐Ÿ˜‚

I dont know that Eyethespye guy welcomed back Q like 30 or so minutes before Q posted so thats pretty weird

The white house confirmed the venue for the summit it is not the same hotel as the pic that Q posted

throw off the dirty rotten communists

yo this Trump celebration of america event

omg im loving this

Ya i dont get the reference to the weird Hillary books and hwo it relates to Q is there a meme someone can point me to?

Ya i saw this meme im just wondering how it like relates to a specific Q post

But ya these books are wild looking

omg they really found a body

Theres been new Q drops apparently

ya just a couple people on other servers saying it but i havent read anything yet

couple pictures i wont post them if you dont want, one out of a plane window flying over mandala bay

the other of the owl close up again

im not good witht hose chans ๐Ÿ˜‚

so i probably just gave yout he link to the whole thing

Oh nvm now they saying false alarm old pics

sorry for getting anyones hopes up

yo that water stuff with Trump and Pense is definitely weird lol

Trump puts his down and then pense just takes his and puts it down there

ya I saw that on drudge

the NYT reporters cell phone and stuff was confiscated

we all cried at the end of Harry and the Henderson's dont lie

Daaaaamn reports just coming out now that he committed suicide

You think Bordains GF was saying fuck you to all of us ๐Ÿ˜‚

But she certainly seems evil

@creepyAnon well geez invite him to the discord

Any news from the Tucson situation?

i saw that headline

i read about 3 lines of the article before i wanted to puke

Ya and the pilots flying the fighter jets protecting him actually like him this time

unlike the last president

I dont undertand why would it get taken off twitter?

Because thats the hotel they are actually havingt he summit at?

ya, and i see now theya re taking pictures from inside another hotel so probably for security reasons too

Im sure this is probably like one of the highest security presence of any event

@svizzy looked into that video it was a live wax statue exhibit

someone in the intell community apparently?

Q and that ETS guy both said frazzledrip is fake

but that there is a video

Oh fuck I'm missing E3

New halo looks like doodoo

Ya a battle royale that looks liek i actually want to play it

then Battle Roayales will die shortly after

theyve run their course

ya, ihavent bought a COD sine COD 2 whcih was the last COD thatw as actually built for PC and not a port

this one is actually built for PC and hosted on battlenet

Ya bourdain a couple hours before he died or like the day before he replied on someones twitter saying "I have evidence sufficient for Hillary CLintons arrest" or something like that

it was ona video i watched ill see if i can find it

Ya if the tweet existed twitter definitely removed it but ya try ot something maybe someone screenshotted it

That video got me GOING

Ill be dead when they take my guns

wont be alive for it guaranteed

@Laurie ya that tweet is from a few weeks ago weve seen that one imt alking about one that was sent out june 5th where he said he has evidence that would lead to Hillarys arrest right now

Tweet looked authentic of course its gone now

im playing halo right now, every match i get in i start yelling into the lobby how many minutes left til Trump bitchslaps Kim

getting flamed hard'

gaming community is so dumb

ya i know im just triggering some sheeple

ya but it was an actual tweet tho

unless that meme was suppoosed to be his original tweet which is not how i saw it

Lary Kudlow just had a heart attack

Ya its justw eird he just got done roasting illuminati yes boy Trudeau

Yo did Kim say we owe a lot of apology and seek forgiveness from the world? Seomthing like that i think

then Trump shook his hand right after he said it and they both smiled

Yo that interview was great

Rodman started crying though

Ya and Cuomos face was priceless he wanted that interview over asap

I think the 14th is gonna be a big day

Ya i mean Q never said anything specifically about June 11th so I never got my hopes that much up I though maybe there was something there with the IG report release but they moved it tot he 14th

thats a huge time gap. For them to push it several months when its 2 days away from release.

IDK i just dont see that happening

I know Trump wouldnt be happy

omg they are signing this stuff and they arent even tellign us what it is

I wanna know what they signed! lol

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