
Discord ID: 256667741061120000

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I think the reason you donโ€™t see liberals here is
A: they arenโ€™t capable of discussion
B: they take for granted that all normal people are commies as well

I feel like Iโ€™m in a group of much older people who pay taxes

Being Trans, gay, lesbian and any letter of the LGBTTQQIAAP2spirited+ are mental disorders

Communism discourages labour, removes equality of opportunity and fixes prices

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but i'm just going to go with that you're not.

I'm ukrainian I've seen most soviet cartoons. There's only like 100

If there was more than 10 episodes fine but now it's just sad


alright. Am I just stupid and don't get it, or is this just not funny
" I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat. "
like is the joke that a democracy shouldn't have political party, that democrats aren't a political party?

I just found it on a Wikipedia page about an obscure type of joke. Itโ€™s said by will Rogers

ok here's what i don't get. Progressives say that people can decide what gender they are based on how they feel. But that raises the question what is a boy, what is a girl. if it's how you want to be viewed by society as eg. more competitive likes to play with trucks for boys. then how would that fit in with the feminist theory that men and women are exactly the same with just different societal expectations that should be abolished. So if you are a progressive parent and you're raising your child gender neutral what do you tell your kids when they ask "What is a boy and am I one?"

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