Maverick Loggins

Discord ID: 242135390218223617

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you fr*cken retar

yamete garret chan!!

stick here and you'll know whatever he ends up doing on fb

aside from that, department of memes is his last fb page

lmao im so shit at disc

how do u even do italics

for now follow department of memes, they usually have the links to any "legit" (ie non memey) sources

Other than than stick to here or other fb meme pages, but always check the links before you believe let alone share them. I can't count the number of times I've seen multiple people share some clickbaitey headline from like over a year ago in a big fb group that then gets spread all over even though its old and irrelevant

only GETO IV for now

Yea that headline has happened several times before

i assume itโ€™s pretty common for Russians to fly near Alaska due to their proximity

And the media as usual will just blow it out of proportion every so often to get clicks about some impending war or whatever

i love parody fashwave tbh

literally a police state

rip supreme gentleman

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