Victus Shmmidtt

Discord ID: 258785560913641473

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There is still a deep corruption in the government that can not be just removed by winning intellectual debates.

Oh I agree. But I've said this to many of people. One Trump term is not going to drain the swamp. This a battle is going to last decades.

We must continue to fight and never lose energy. Being complacent in a single victory is a good way to overturn years of progress

If a gun ban passed in congress or via executive order everyone would revolt. People would refuse to turn in their guns and dare the feds to come ane take them. The Military would side with the people and so would the State militias both private and government. You would watch as these "lawmakers" would get instantly couped and their heads to would roll for being traitors against the country and its people.

If you form a new party you run the risk of losing your die hard republican voters and will wind up splitting the right wing vote. It is far better for Trump stay Republican and force them to either evolve with him or get left behind.

BTW I would've asked to be voice caller in tonight's stream but I decided against it since I'm a relatively new member to the discord and I'm not a mod or anything so my opinion is not THAT important yet.

@cloudasylum Absolutely. The military may have a small civil war over it but most of them would side with us. I've talked with guys from all branches and they say they support us.

My redpilling has gone into black pill waters at times. Because I believe in redecation campaigns, work camps, public executions for traitors, paramilitarism (Aka everyone must serve), Imperialism, right to conquest, and Ultra Nationalism. Though I am not a supporter of the Nazi party, because they are socialist and were a cult.

Well all within reason of course.

@cloudasylum Did you know that the military won't allow anyone in under an IQ of 83? And that is 10% of the population. (Thank you JP for these facts)

Is Tom live yet? I see him in the call in chat.

They are probably doing some network and equipment testing

Mine is fine, it drags maybe for a second or two but it re-aligns fairly quickly for me. What is your internet speed?

Yeah you don't want someone to shout, "death to jews" in a stream.

(((Technical Difficulties)))

Well, this is going to be a fun stream

^Maybe this is it?

I'm sorry to derail the convo But WAT



>That moment when the Marines had to order batteries for their flashlights from Amazon because requisition took too long

Lol, I deleted the comment on accident. Oh well, good night guys.

Kekistani Armies Mobilize

I thought the Black Shirts were Mussolini's bunch?

I haven't read into it enough to have an answer but what I do know is this point and accuse stuff is completely bypassing due process and is slanderous if it is untrue. Both of which are illegal.

>Aliens come
>Whole cities burn
>"We have to be tolerant of these people because their violence is the result of intergalactic oppression by the inequality of cosmic patriarchy."

But classical liberalism is what led to this point

The only they were right with was child work laws (within the past century)

But I'm fairly certain that was a bipartisan effort

You redpilled her, turned her staight, and then you get friendzoned


Has Tom said anything about what time the lat night stream will be?

How do I see GET's and Daily Redpill's posts first, because ever since I joined the GET group all I can see is the group posts on my feed?

Koberos Panzer Kops is the only true Redpilled Anime

^Song for the Trumpenfuhrer's Spaces Marines

Did you watch it to the end?

Just jump into the live call in chat and mute your mic

>Well you see Ivan. If you use both eyes you can see the enemy doubley so and make you doubley accurate.

You know soy is in all chocolates.

Here is a good meme for you @Deleted User

Don't forget about the Cajuns

>Inb4 Marines are the best fighting force in the world

Are you an Army Recruiter?

Do you ever recieve your $10,000 enlistment bonus and your own Camaro?

"Come here Army boy" - Seaman

>Reeducation Camps<

Yeah, but the cucks did a good job infiltrating the church and creating the generation of "peace loving Christians" and now they let everyone walk over them because they are supposed to "forgive" and "turn the other cheek."

We need an Inquisition

This is good. Just keep letting the dems split their base up

During the election I chuckled when the Bernie-bros started accusing Hillary of being a war hawk.

"Stress headaches"

I grew up in a family that was hyper Constitutional Conservative so I was redpilled early on. My problem has been my father is a boomer and while he is redpilled, he still doesn't believe in Physical Removal.

^He does believe in that though

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