
Discord ID: 174823293612851200

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Greetings <a:peepoCheer:422063843938926602>

Btw I love trump and thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m here

I want to suck him off but not in a gay way you know?


Telling people to lift

When ur a fucking beta

Fuck Jews btw

Wouldnโ€™t happen

Iโ€™d shit stomp any Jew into the dirt

Fuck Ashkenazi Zionist jews

Just kidnapped my neighbors dog and let it loose in the country a few weeks ago

Cause heโ€™s Ashkenazi


Also popped his radiator with an Ice pick


Nah he doesnโ€™t

Heโ€™s an Obama loving faggot

Still has his Obama flag on his front porch

he'll be killed

guarentee it

Cartels wont have it

To talk about Mexico again

It is a fully ran Narco state

Mexicans praise the cartels, thereโ€™s literal churchโ€™s built for the praise of certain cartel leaders.

Mexican Govt stopping cartels <a:omegalul:412247691062542336>


Not to be rude

but who cares

That faggot already lost his job

thats the last thing we should be worried about

no disrespect brother


@Bobamelius Fortnite is a good game though <:waitwhat:412247591997407233>

why is ur hand so dark

ur not white?


whats it like living in the favela land


BF5 looks shit tho

Women werent front line fighters

Women werent front line fighters

im to busy on OSRS nowadays

no other games are much fun rn

im to busy on OSRS nowadays

500k in brazil

youd be a king

Could buy an entire village with that and have the people dance for u

urs are coming up duplicate to

You could buy a condo

I doubt brazil has high cost of living

theres people getting beheaded in the streets daily

cant forget the gangs mugging everyone

shooters are boring

Ive been addicted to league of legends for about 4 years now

and cant pick another game to play besides league

Chicago isnt that bad


its bad but not 68k a year bad


If there was 68k homicides a year in a city

all hell would break loose

in America*

ur attempt at being funny and edgy is sorry


everyone hates league

yet we still play it

the damn shit is addicting

not many games get my adrenaline going like that

ur just regurgitating shit

and ur attempt at trolling is cringe


how was that a joke?

It wasnt even funny

it was stupid

I just like to pick on people that have monkey brains

cause you flip the "ur to serious

when im having fun with it

Explain to me how ur stupid joke was remotely funny


I fucking cringed


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