
Discord ID: 419399702807707648

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i have a thought and not sure if this is the correct place to put it

was the bridge Q mentioned does that have anything to do with the bridge collapse that happened today due to the steel being made inferior from obama?

i copied this to show as an example

Mar 06 2018 01:29:38
Q !UW.yye1fxo
1 of 5.
2 of 5.
What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we donโ€™t say organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth - HRC victory.

but what if they didnt know or the Obama military did know and sold it to the highest bidder in the civilian field

just a thought

might be a way for the bad guys to kill some people, sell them bad steel, they build a few high rises, bridges, infrastructures, then it all falls apart because it cant bear the weight? again, just a thought. they've been known to do worse things i am sure like 9/11, as an example

has anyone ever been reading a news story and the page you were reading updated while reading it? Like things were added or removed and the line you were reading or paragraph disappeared?

what are black hats

i always thought black hats were computer hackers out there doing bad hacks and white hats were the good guy hackers out there to do good stuff, was I wrong? lol

why is there an internet bill of rights being promoted? I always thought we wanted less government and not more governmental control over our lives?

someone in here told us to look at that because it was linking to a website called Obama's white house? has anyone looked into that?

not sure that i believe this

i dont believe it was tied to trump campaign

we all know that the Dems are huge players of words where they like to turn the tables on thier opponent. meaning, whatever it is that they are doing they accuse the opposite of doing

there was no collusion between trump and russia, but there was and has always been collusion between HC and russia

does anyone have the entire interview of this

in this video, not one time did this whistleblower say that Cambridge Analytica was working for Trump campaign.

im so tired of them trying everything to oust Trump

so, i had an idea for a parady song and went to listen to the song and this is what i get

hope you guys can see this, i just woke up ha

^ please someone say something because that persons face if really creeping me out^^^^

good things are just around the corner

there thank you, its gone now

not sure if this has been seen yet

@della4 are you saying that the video @Harpazogirl is not valid?

also you said Q says trust Sessions; so ...... ??????

what does that mean?

what does the ??????? mean, not sure

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