Dustin Nemos

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its almost like inside jokes, or a hidden code language

the thing many 'faithful' do is they think all occultism is evil/satanic

but occult means hidden, literally

and not all hidden knowledge is evil

just because evil people virtue signal to each other that they know history and symbols doesn't mean all symbols are evil

their just children with no empathy and high IQ's playing a game

and their game is a deadly one that involves power, (blackmail children murder rape all that stuff) = power games

example: elite feel if you're stupid enough to take vaccines, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool.

If you're too stupid to survive in the rigged system, you deservedly die off

the gnostics did not open information to the general public, they understand plato's cave.

They only taught the genuine seekers of knowledge

you had to be willing to die to your ego and be reborn to truth

which often took on a symbolic ritual form

yea. to some degree this is a game of good vs evil that has played out for a long time

and the good guys have been in hiding, and outnumbered

because we let them down. not enough sought knowledge

not enough were willing to walk the path

I'm out gonna go make a video before bed.

I'm hoping to put together a 'proofs of qanon' style video thats up to date and more thorough than my last 3

if anyone knows of any good lists I could build off of

any one of you could go out there, with enough drive and willpower. And take a child, get someone in a bar you wanted to blackmail, slip them something to loosen them up, and then video them with the hcild.

and you would own them for life

don't think the elite can't do this shit

There are no independent AI. Someone undoubtedly put a backdoor to control them in there. AI is an attempt to seek power

more puppets on strings.

What are we missing? What about this big elite conference in munich recently.

yea. Q had us looking at london traffic cams

there was a link floating in the research chat about when Q posted that

but its probably moot now, the window of the threat Q mentioned has likely passed

I may have an inside source, its unconfirmed, who knows a guy playing security who is in MILINTL

Kim Dotcomโ€Verified account @KimDotcom

If you are currently under direct surveillance by any spy agency utilizing a common backdoor tool to generate and submit screenshots (while youโ€™re using your device) youโ€™ll know today because with the latest Twitter update every time a screenshot is taken the Twitter app crashes.

i must ask everyone to please only message me via PM if its urgent or a spammer is not being dealt with or something

I simply do not have the time to address everyones messages anymore

Sounds like Q going against snowden

its all getting deleted

just save everything offline and archive the posts etc

too important to trust that alone.

I know someone with a pdf backup of all posts

I'm gonna finish up a followup video for what just happened for tonight then crash

If this is the last Q post. Then this becomes a nostradramus situation of us trying to read the tea leaves and connect it to past Q posts.
It will be trickier without the hints
But it will still be necessary
And the anons can do it.

Q said we have all we need

lemme know if anything crazy happens. Probably won't hear it on the news though

@OG truther! are you spamming the same video link everywhere?

OG truther banned, I've asked him to quit spamming the same links

it happens. Can't do anything worthwhile that isn't opposed by the mediocre minds

We'll see Dani. We may have seen the last Q posts folks

He wiped his posts last night

I am concerned about it. Yes

He did say we have all we need

and he also said 60 private 40 public

The child rape and sacrifice was hinted at but is probably in that 60.

when they go down, i suspect it will be for treason not cultist behavior

I'll look into the B thing

take the new B account with a grain of salt

that takedown was mysterious

i did a video on B down

I specifically refer to the ICO stuff I am doing here

not the general 'crypto' world, which is far less risky than this

liking/sharing on social media and getting videos out there is as important as supporting with $ if you want to help youtubers out

we cannot get the usual kind of viral attention videos get because the algorithms are used to shadowban and soft-censor us

as veritas has uncovered

B just posted like 40 tweets a day of useful information

became a useful source, had a lot of followers on twitter

then was taken down very oddly. eventually we even saw 'YOU WILL NEVER BEAT US" kinda statements

then a new b popped up.

used an image of a woman

before it was deleted, the posts were deleted and name was changed to Bailey

For those interested in some interesting things, I just did my daily twitter retweets of things worth noting.

its not inclusive but great leads

no its a lot of tweets, but you don't need twitter to see a profile on twitter and follow links

B just said flynn dismissed

potentially meaning a dismissal is coming

The funny thing is that some people think that is attractive.

can you guys remember any of the examples of Q posting BEFORE trump basically quoting him in tweets. I am trying to compile the full list

crystal that has nothing to do with what I am asking, lol

i want the ones that show FOREKNOWLEDGE (Q said it THEN trump said it)

or Q predicting events

crystal I am aware of this video

they are likely not, but likely Q = military intelligence (group) working for/with Potus to round up traitors

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