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thats why FLOTUS is delivering flowers she wants proof of life

@trusty rusty โœŒ is nancy is taking flight on a broom?

@PapaPatroit it may be laundry day

The students were inspired by Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swede who refused to attend school on Fridays until the Swedish government reduced its carbon emissions as required by the Paris Agreement.

its an excuse to get out of school

Chuck Schumer Visits White House
19 Jan 2018 - 5:30:25 PM
CS will live in fear from today forward.
Thank you for visiting the WH.

so what ya thinking antifa bought maga hats!

@MrSophacles yes i agree completely

it most likely was staged to make the maga hats look bad.

john mcain was a war vet too if you know what i mean

right. and the left knows how to use trigger words

yes rediculous

@MrSophacles thank you for your service

you are 100% correct! thats what they do thats why we need more citizen journalist all over the US to cover this crap so we can quickly dismantle their agenda ops

yeah MAGA ppl are awesome! however there has to be one in every crowd i just thank God that nut hasnt fallen out the tree yet

yeah they put that out knowing most sheeple wouldnt dig in and find out the real story

yeah thats how Q is taking them down. they all left a trail. "These people are stupid" Q.

sorry bout that

@Beken are you saying that psb being one sided?


Viral video of Catholic school teens taunting Native Americans draws widespread condemnation; prompts a school investigation

the catholic school has seen it for what it is FAKE NEWS!

americans what americans they got a one track mind and that only involves orange man bad ๐Ÿ˜‚

@PapaPatroit it got old for me years ago

i cant see it here in ohio

its a great book

@grannyblueyes i think that is actually good news so she can further dig deeper her HOLE!


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